Friday 28 March 2014

Quinoderm Facewash

I've never been one to suffer really badly with my skin and spots.

Obviously at school I had a few, hitting my teens in particular produced the odd outbreak here and there but it was expected and I really did get let off lightly I think compared to some of the other kids I knew.

But recently though - yep ever since I hit thirty - I seem to have taken a step back in time, and my skin really wants to be a fifteen year old girl again because I keep getting patches of spots on a certain part on my face and chin - nothing too drastic, but nothing that I really like either.

It's so annoying, but I'm putting it down to an increase in the amount of make-up I'm using at the minute...not that I step out every day looking like a beauty pageant contender or CoCo The Clown or anything, but I reckon going from pritty much zero foundation to a slight facial covering nearly everyday must be answerable to some of my spots.

It's not the best really.

But then Quinoderm very kindly sent me a sample bottle of their Antibacterial Face Wash and I couldn't wait to try it out and see if it would rid me of my latest spotty skin infestation.

Quinoderm have recently repackaged all of their products, and I really like the eye-catching purpley colour of this one.
They assure customers that their acne-fighting formula is still the same, and is still as effective at preventing spots.

Fingers crossed...

The product claims to be "dual action" in that it both cleans and removes dirt from the skin, and is antibacterial and germ killing.

And I found this to be very true - I was left with lovely clean, fresh skin.

The product itself is a bright blue colour and has a slightly clinical, but not unpleasant scent.

I poured out a generous blob, as advised, and massaged it into my wet face gently, focusing on the problem areas - chin, forehead and cheeks.
I then rinsed and was very pleased to find my skin wasn't dry at all - which I kind of expected as it doesn't take much for my flakiness to show itself I assure you.

Instead I was left with a smooth, soft, very clean feeling face.

I used the product both morning and night for about a week and honestly, even after day two I began to notice a difference in my spottyness.

After a week, the spots were more or less history.


I'm certainly a fan of this and will be using this bluey, spot killing treatment regularly.

I mean, who at 30 really wants a spotty face

*product sent for an honest review

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