Friday 10 April 2015

Today. Well, Today Was A Good Day

I never really - not all that often anyway - use my blog to express my feelings or get all deep and meaningful within posts, but today...well today is a different kind of a day.

Today I feel like I really need to gush a little bit - and why not eh.

Today has been a bloody good day

~ The sun was beaming

~ I had a real chilled out morning watching Buffy on Netflicks with a cuppa in hand and my feet up

~ I had an early morning text from my son (via Nana's phone!) who slept out last night requesting that I collect him as soon as possible because he wanted to spend yet another day in the park on his scooter - which we did do
(No complaints from me!)

~ And I really can't believe the amount of love, happiness, well-wishes all around make-us-feel-amazing-ness that myself and the Hubby have recieved about our "little announcement" (see here)

It has really astounded us both and made us way beyond happy - thanks so, so much everyone.

~ Today I have also had one of the best emails ever, again, regarding the Little Peanut...or if I can ever make a hashtag stick, #BabyBaker

Although we don't actually have a nursery at the moment - our house is way too small - it's just a two bedroomed, fairly teeny kind of a place - we begin work at the end of this month making it into a home-with-three-very-small-bedrooms.

We ideally want to move to somewhere bigger, but at the minute, as with many, many people, finances won't allow it, so we're just holding in and making the best of what we've got.

~ We are DIY-ing ~

Urgh - but all of the mess - the headache is hitting already just thinking about it all!

However, needs must.

Out will come radiators, windows, built in wardrobes (sob - where will my shoes live now!) and in will go a partition wall, a new split window, smaller radiators, plaster...

~ Blah Blah Blah ~

I'm not getting involved in all of that though - my brain just can't handle the mess - until it comes to the decorating stages that is - that's when I'll get my hands dirty.

And when it's all done we will have three rooms to sleep all of our people nicely.

Then, when we've finished - very hopefully quite soon - those ah-mazingly lovely, kind, generous, fantastic (shall I go on?!) people at George (find here) want to help us kit out the nursery from all of the fab pieces they have and help to make the space look all spectacular and amazing.

For me to say that I'm beyond amazed is a total understatement.

I really can't believe it.

And I really can't wait to get cracking to make the little one's first room as beautiful as I know they are going to be.
(Don't worry - we'll keep you posted with all of the things we fall in love with)

Thanks so much to George and all of the wonderful people on Twitter, across my blog, my family, friends and everyone everywhere else because you've really helped to make this wonderful news of ours even more special and exciting.

Today Is A Happy, Happy Kind Of A Day

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