Thursday 22 September 2016

A Slim Boost Shot From Reviv, Leeds

I make no secret here on this blog of my love for food - I mean all you have to do is click on that little "Food & Drink" tab up there and you'll see some of the fabulousness I've had the pleasure of consuming over the years.

Food is simply amazing.

But then I also make no secret of expressing my struggles with trying to slim down, loose weight and stick to a healthy eating plan, especially since having Willow.

The two don't always go hand in hand and it can be really hard to find a balance that works.

It is especially difficult on the days when I've been up numerous times through the night with a grouchy, teething baby and then am actually "up-up" at 4.30am - seriously, by 8.30 a breakfast of overnight oats, a banana or a Mullerlight don't have quite the same "help me through this day" kick as a packet of chocolate digestives dunked in a bucket sized mug of coffee would have.

And then exercise - after days like the one above, a run would probably do me good...but all I want to do is squeeze in a hot bath between baby settling sessions and then clamber into bed.

Needless to say I'm finding being healthy harder than I used to and even when I think I've cracked it, when I think I'm "on it" - nope - here comes that takeaway order.


So when it does all fall into place and I'm back on plan, doing things properly, eating well and feeling good I really, really want to see a loss on the scales at my Thursday weigh in - just to keep me motivated for another week if nothing else.

And anything that helps me get this result is more than welcome.

So when Reviv in Leeds invited me along to their clinic to have a Slim Boost shot a few weeks ago I have to say I was really rather intrigued.

The Slim Boost shot is actually just one of many well being shots and IV hydration courses Reviv offer.

This particular injection contains a mix of vitamins, amino acids, B12 and fat burners - a combination which is put together to help boost energy levels, speed up the metabolism and, as well as make you feel better, when combined with a healthy diet and a regular exercise regime it could help with weight loss.

Hmmm, healthy eating and exercise - the two main components of Slimming World - this could actually really give me the boost I'm looking for...

And so, I arrived at the clinic...

...and was greeted by two very friendly and obviously very super health conscious members of staff who asked me to fill in a medical questionnaire and were then on hand to answer any questions that I had.

After this, I was taken into a small room and introduced to a lovely, very friendly nurse who would be the person giving me the injection.

She put my mind at ease straight away, clearing up any remaining queries I had before checking my blood pressure, enquiring about any allergies I had, explaining exactly where the injection would go - into the muscle at the top of my arm - and then making me aware of the potential side effects of the shot.

And then it was given.

And whilst it wasn't pleasant (what injections are) it didn't hurt too much really.

Then I left and that was that.

Until my side effects kicked in - nothing major let me quickly add - but my arm around the injection area was so sore and really achy for hours and hours after - it did fade eventually but the uncomfortable, heavy feeling lasted quite a while - longer than I was expecting anyway.

The next day that feeling had completely gone though and I found myself being extra aware of how I was feeling, looking for signs that the shot was working.

I can't say I noticed any sort of boost in my energy levels or anything but there were certainly times when after running up the stairs or from one room to another I could certainly feel my heart rate accelerating quicker than usual and I felt warmer a lot more too - things I can only put down to the shot working it's magic.

Admittedly my diet over the rest of that week wasn't particularly great but I actually still managed to loose a little bit of weight at my weigh in a few days later.

And I can't grumble with that.

I do wish I had eaten 100% to plan and worked out a little bit more now though, if for nothing else just to test the effects of the Slim Boost properly because if I had, I'm sure I would have seen even better results on the scales than I did - but I'm not complaining with what I got at all.

Like I said, anything that can help, even a little bit, certainly is a winner in my book.

I guess I now need to be on plan 100%, dust the exercise DVDs off and get a Slim Boost course booked in.

With all three combined, I wonder how fast I could get myself to my target weight...

* slim boost given free of charge - words, thoughts, pictures & opinions all my own 

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