Monday, 9 December 2013

My First Ever Secret Santa

When the lovely Hayley at Tea Party Beauty organised this years Blogger Secret Santa (#bloggersecretsanta), I just knew that I wanted to get in on the action, so I signed up straight away.

This is my first Christmas of having a blog, so this was obviously my first ever bit of Secret Santa participation, and to be honest, I was really excited, but very apprehensive at getting things right.

I loved every minute of it, but I didn't want to get my gift buying wrong, so in the end I settled on a bit of a theme and created a little "Winter Body Care Kit" designed to help give the body some much needed TLC over the coming, freezing cold months.

I just hope the recipient was pleased with the concept and liked her things...the box was quiet heavy I must add - so heavy in fact, that the Post Office decided to send it via courier rather than Royal Mail....


But as long as it was liked, I'm happy.
Time will tell...

I for one, absolutely loved my gifts.

My Secret Santa obviously did some homework on me...or some "stalking" as Hayley likes to put it. :)

But, for her to produce a parcel like this - well, feel free to stalk away my Secret Santa - stalk away!

Everything was so lovely presented inside too


Almost too cute to open up...almost...!!

So, extremely excited, I delved in, and ripped open my gifts.
There's no way at all I could have waited until Christmas Day to open them - the suspense would have killed me I'm sure.

Like a little child I worked my way through everything, and look at the fab things I was treated to

Everything is so useful and very perfect for me - it is all something I really needed or really wanted and I love the lot.

Expect plenty of item reviews coming up on my blog.

Again, another massive Thank You to my Secret Santa - you made this blogger very happy!

And of course, Thank You to Hayley for organising everything so brilliantly.

I absolutely love surprise parcels

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