Friday 25 December 2015

Baby Baker Friday - Willow's Outfits - #1

So as you know, I decided that Friday's on the blog would be dedicated to my pregnancy and now, new mummy status.

I know it's not something everyone wants to read about but it is something that I really wanted to do - so I'm doing it - after all, being pregnant and having a beautiful new baby is a huge thing to be happening in my life and I really wanted to share bits and pieces of what is going on amongst these pages.

So here we go

~ Baby Baker Friday ~

~ Right, first things first, Merry Christmas everyone - I hope you are all having an amazing day ~

Now, if you follow me on any of my social media channels, be they personal or blog related, then you will have had to endure the zillion Baby Baker pictures I just cannot seem to resist posting.

But am I sorry?

No, I am not.

I simply love capturing all the special moments my little Princess has, and - well - it's only right that I share them with the world now isn't it...

From all of those beautiful smiles to the cutest of outfits, I'm collecting as many memories as I can because time is going so fast and I want to make sure I remember everything.

And so...

... Ta - Da ...

~ Baby Baker's Look Book ~

I've decided that with the amount of outfit shots I already have and will no doubt keep on taking, and with the amount of clothes Baby Baker has waiting unworn in her wardrobe and with my inability to stop buying lovely outfits for her I feel it would be only right to make part of my Baby Baker Friday slot dedicated to Willow and all of her lovely clothes.

And so...

Baby Baker is currently 10 weeks old and at last weigh in was 9lb 5oz
(although she will be heavier now)

She is currently wearing "First Size" or "Newborn" clothing
(shop depending).

And with it being Christmas Day, I thought I'd make a start on things by showing you the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day outfits I found for her.

With it being Baby Baker's first Christmas I simply had to go as festive as possible ("festive" obviously means "wear red" doesn't it...) and I couldn't resist these two pieces - especially seeing as how they were in the F&F sale and cost a combined total of £8.


Aren't they just the cutest.

The babygrow was just £2.50 and whilst it won't fit Baby Baker for long it was perfect for Christmas eve - fleecy, warm, Ruldolph and Chritsmas tree adorned...

~ Fabulous ~

Now, Christmas Day - the first Christmas Day - required something mega cute and it just had to be a dress.

And to have a little bit of Minnie Mouse thrown in for good measures?

Yeah, why not.

This little set cost £5.50 and came complete with a pair of red and white polka dot tights which complemted the bow at the waist beautifully.

The hem line was brilliant too - all furry and very Mrs Clause like - the skirt had a little bit of netting underneath which also created a slight tutu-like effect.

The headband - already in Baby Baker's wardrobe - matched perfectly...

What do you think?

Personally I know what I think...

~ C U T E ~

I wonder what we'll be wearing next month...

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