Saturday 22 October 2016

Staying Safe This Halloween With Smiffys

There is never a dull moment here in this household of mine and last week, it was no different.

It involved a last minute Wednesday night dash around the house grabbing make-up brushes and eye shadows because, as usual, my son changed his mind about his school disco Halloween costume.

Forty minutes before it started.


Luckily all it took was a little bit of fake blood and he was more than pleased and good to go.

Thank goodness.

But then that got me to thinking a little bit - Halloween is really soon and as fun as it is, I can't say it's my most favourite time of the year.

For a start off it's blooming freezing and then I go out, buy loads of these on-offer-extra-large-bags-of-chocolate, trying to do my bit, and then no-one knocks at my I end up sitting under a blanket, eating all of the blooming Maltesers myself.

~ Disaster ~

And then there is the whole Trick Or Treating thing, I'm not a big fan of it myself but I don't want my son to miss out on the fun of it all - I loved going out with my friends when I was younger and have so many fun, fond memories of it - but if he does decide he wants to go, then myself or the Hubby have always taken him.

It's always cold (yak!), it's always dark and then this year, there are silly clown people being all daft and threatening to worry about - it's no good for my nerves.

(there always has to be one doesn't there!)

...this year the son has asked if he can go out with his friends - without one of us...

~ Eeek ~

It's a bit much for me to deal with really - I mean he has only just started (during the last Summer holidays) playing out with his friends after school and if I'm honest I don't really like him doing that either - but he's going to high school next year and whether I like it or not I have to try and give him a little more independence.

But there are always rules - there has to be...

~ he uses the island to cross the road

~ he checks in regularly

~ he knows how far (not far!) he can venture in any direction

And being the "head screwed on right" kind of kid that he is he always follows them with no arguments and no issues.

And so, if he does go Trick Or Treating without me, the trusty old rule book will be back out in force.

Smiffys  - the costume retailer - have put together an infograph which I thought was quite fab at stressing a whole host of important hints, tips and safety points relating to the Halloween period...

They have covered sensible costume wearing, how to keep kiddies safe and even how to throw a Halloween party as safely as possible.

I'll certainly be going through it all with my son anyway.

...and I think I will be insisting on being a "ten steps behind Trick Or Treating buddy" too.

Well, safety has to come first after all

* two Smiffy's Halloween costumes sent free of charge. All words my own. Infograph used with permission from Smiffys

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