Thursday 27 October 2016

Taking The #BargainBasket Halloween Challenge

I hadn't really planned on getting too far invested into Halloween this year if I'm honest.

I mean, obviously there was always going to be pumpkin carving and costume buying (I'm not that much of a horrible Mum!) but decorating the house?

No, not this year.

Or so I thought anyway.

My son loves having the living room decked out all Halloweeny - I remember one year rushing home from work early and setting everything out before he finished school and he loved it.

And when he gave me his huge puppy dog eyed look this year, well, naturally I caved so now we are having a spookily dressed home...for a few days at least.

But how on earth could I possibly get the desired look without having to spend a fortune?

Don't get me wrong, I'm no scrooge when it comes to making the kiddies happy but I don't even like throwing cash around on Christmas type decorations and those stay up for weeks.

Halloween ones (which I can only bare to look at for a few days) well those I really don't want to spend a great deal on.

What I needed was a bargain.

And then, within my very own hometown of Bradford, The Kirkgate Centre presented the perfect challenge - the #BargainBasket challenge - and I jumped at the chance to get involved.

The rules?

Well it's simple really, I had to kit myself out all Halloweeny for under £10.


Yep - I'd say so - especially when there's Poundland sat there, shelves full to bursting with everything you could possibly need for any occasion.

Party accessories, costumes, tableware, decorations - they had everything.

And, needing the decorations the most, I was spoilt for choice and opted for a whole host of goodies...

...and I even managed to pick up a few "lets introduce Willow to Halloween but avoid scaring her half to death" things too...

Peppa Pig anything and funny googly eyes and this lady is a happy bunny...

And the grand total of my shop was just £9.

It's quite amazing just what you can do with ten pounds sometimes isn't it.

Kirkgate's #BargainBasket had me totally covered and has certainly helped me get Halloween ready.

Plus, both of the children are impressed too so that's £9 very well spent in my eyes.

Get involved in the #BargainBasket challenge over on Kirkgate's Twitter page.

See what £10 can do for you this Halloween...

* A collaborative post - all words, thoughts and images 100% my own

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