Tuesday 1 August 2017

How We Do A #SportsNightIn

As with many of my posts right now this is a lot later getting out there than intentionally planned but sometimes life just gets in the way, especially when the post in question requires a fabulous party hosting for it to be possible.

Things such as shindigs require time and planning and sometimes, especially over here, time just does not want to play.

But yes, that is what this post is all about, a bit of a "do" I mentioned in a post a few weeks ago about a Sports Night In I was planning.

I think I mentioned how this household is pritty much rugby mad - the boys play, train, coach and watch it whenever possible and now even my little lady - the only hope I ever had of getting to dance lessons, of buying wonderful tutus and sparkly accessories - is showing that she too has the sport running through her...

So with this in mind, any sporting related party we had was only ever going to be rugby fuelled - luckily for us then it is something which is on Sky Sports a fair old bit - and oh yes, we do have that subscription firmly cemented in place aswell as Contact Numbers UK direct line to Sky all ready and waiting - just in case anything were to ever go wrong - we want that helpline reached as fast as possible in the event of such emergencies.

Nothing can be interrupting that Sky Sports rugby viewing, especially with how crazy-hectic things have been around here lately - it's been even more important to have the things we enjoy ready and at hand to help us relax and chill out as much as possible.

And so, with all things considered we decided - for our own sanity really - that our sports night in party plans would have to be whittled down a little...a lot...right, right down in fact so that it was just the four of us in attendance.

Not exactly a wild party kind of a number is it but in my eyes it was perfect.

Granted Willow's not that big on watching sport on TV - she's more a CBeebies kind of a girl - but the boys really love it, they like to focus, concentrating only on the match at hand, however it didn't matter that some of us were interested and some were not, all that mattered was the fact that we could sit down together, relax in the comfort of our own home and enjoy something together as a family.

It was fantastic and very much needed.

Charlie has had a little bit of a hard time recently, missing his school friends and dwelling on the prospect of not seeing some of them now that they are all drifting, moving on to different high schools, so he has already had a fair few sleep overs this holiday as he tries to catch up with everyone.

Whilst this is nice for him, it's something I'm finding that I really struggle with - I miss him far too much when he's not at home.

So having him snuggled up on the sofa next to me, all animated and interested in the rugby for a few hours was nothing short of fabulous.

And fabulous too was the food we decided to indulge in (luckily this was all before my current health kick began) because I mean come on, with any party there surely has got to be good food, and does good food get any better than takeaway food...

I think not - there was no washing up - blooming fantastic.

And there were obviously a few after pizza nibbles too...

...because it would be rude not to now wouldn't it.

We had such a fun fuelled, food-filled time and spent hours, not only enjoying the sports but also enjoying just being together in each others company.

No other Sports Night In could possibly beat that

* sponsored post in collaboration with Contact Numbers UK - all words, images & thoughts 100% my own

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