Thursday, 29 August 2013

Liebster Award Nomination

As I'm a very new newbie to the world of blogging, I never ever thought I could, or would be nominated for anything!  But the lovely Fantasy Fashionista nominated me for the Liebster Award!

How exciting!

First, I had to check out the rules, which, I found out are as follows:

  1. Link back to the person who nominated you
  2. Answer the 11 Liebster questions given to you by the person who nominated you
  3. Pick 11 bloggers with under 200 followers to nominate
  4. Ask 11 questions for your nominees to answer
  5. Go to each nominated person's blog and let them know you've done the post

So, here goes....

Fantasy Fashionista's Questions & My Answers:

1) What made you start blogging? 
 I am already a part of a brilliant book club Orchard Book Club, so I have a little bit of reviewing experience up my sleeve.  I have met some lovely ladies by doing this too.
I wanted a chance to write about the other parts of me too, and hopefully meet more lovely bloggers, so I decided to start blogging on my own too!

2) Who is your favourite blogger?
That would have to be the lovely Kel Loves.  I love reading her blog, she's such a lovely, clever lady and has given me lots and lots of brilliant advice!

3) What are you most looking forward to about Autumn?
To being able to eat lots of stodgy, warming, comfort foods.  :)

4) What will you most miss about Summer?
The warmth...when we had it.  And the fact that the summer hols are over for another year (I work in a school - so six weeks off in one chunk...bliss!)

5) What is your favourite film?
There are too many!  I love the Twilight Saga & have watched the box-set to death.  Then again, I love The Harry Potter's and have watched them all a trillion times too.  I'm a little partial to a bit of an action movie too - fast car chases, guns - love it.

6) What is your favourite book?
Because I am part of a book club, there are just too many fantastic books to have to name one, or two, or ten favourites.  I love all the "famous" well-known authors, but also love books from a lot of indie authors too.

7) What is the best holiday you've ever been on?
I think my holiday last year to Corfu was quite brilliant, mainly due to the fact it was the first holiday we've been on in 5 years!  It was hot, abroad and All Inclusive - brilliant!

8) Where would you most like to visit?
UK wise, I really want to visit London and do all the typical touristy things that i have never done.  Otherwise, Hawaii or The Caribbean would be amazing to visit. 

9) Favourite high street clothing store?
Primark's always a winner for taking the strain off of the purse strings a little.  But I quite like Miss Selfridge, Topshop & River Island if I'm in need of a splurge.  And New Look, seeing as I worked there for 3 years.

10) Favourite make-up brand?
To be honest, I don't have a really large make up collection.  I have a few expensive bits and bobs in my make up bag, but really, my main every day items are from Rimmel and Boots 17.

11) What would you most like to achieve in life?
To be happy and to be able to give my son the best start in life.  :)

So now for my questions:

1. What 5 words would best describe yourself?
2. What is your most valued possession?
3. What is your favourite book?
4. Do you have any pets?
5. What items does your favourite outfit consist of?
6. What is your most indulgent purchase so far?
7. What are you asking Santa for this year?
8. How did you begin blogging?
9. What is your favourite food?
10. Make up item you just can't live without?
11. Where would you like to be/ like to be doing in 5 years time?

The blogs I would like to nominate are:

The Glitter Vixen 
Beauty Val
Natasha Does Nails
Proud Product Junkie
Fashionable Disaster
The Cleanser Beauty Blog
Lipstick And Heels
Hermione Agatha
A Tiny Beauty Blog
Bamblings Of Naffy
British, Brunette, Blogger

And that's it!! I hope you all enjoy doing it as much as I did


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