Saturday, 14 September 2013

Book Review: "Eric Elmoor and the Gauntlet of Godric"

I have read so many books, I think it's only fair I share the odd review with you now and again.

I think it's about time I posted another.

Now I absolutely loved this book.  I understand the genre may not be to everyone's taste - it's a little bit Harry Potter, a little bit Lord Of The Rings - but it was right up my street.

The author, Tommy Meyers , lives in America and is absolutely brilliant - he's a really funny guy and thinks nothing of speaking to his fans via the social network sites.  He has assured us that this book is the first in a series of five.  The second of which is currently in the process of being written.

I can't wait to be able to cast my eyes over it.

You won't be disappointed with this.... fingers crossed it too becomes a  huge, successful film!

Eric Elmoor and the Gaunlet of Godric
Thomas .A. Meyers

I absolutely loved this book and would recommend it to anyone and everyone – I am anxiously awaiting the next installment…thank goodness there are another four to come!
The story transports you into a mythical, fantasy world filled with magic, mythical creatures and evil beings, all trying to be ruled by the rising of the technological world.
The characters are well described and are all very believable. I found myself feeling what Eric was feeling, and felt passionate for him to overcome the obstacles put in his way and for him to strive to be the best he could be…I was also very desperate for him to “get the girl”!
The plot is very well thought out, and the story is pieced together by giving the three main characters viewpoints at simultaneous times – Eric, Derex and Ben. The reader is able to see the struggles, the pains and the anxieties each character is going through, and can then bring these different views into the experiences of the others, giving a fuller, wider understanding of what was happening and why…brilliant! Particularly brilliant I felt, when it came to understanding Derex. Yes, Derex is the “villain”, but by having his views explored first hand, you are able to understand that he isn’t simply being evil for evils sake – he has his own personal justification for needing to do the things he does. However devastating they may be.
The concept of racism is a huge part of the story, and is developed very well. Eric is viewed as “different” by most people he encounters throughout his life, whether that be the people within the city he has lived all of his life, or with the elves he is very newly acquainted with.  Eric is labelled “a half-blood” and this story illustrates his inner struggles and torments at dealing with the set backs such a label can bring. It also helps to show that regardless of how different the people all over Novogard think they are from each other, they are all actually fairly similar. Whether they be an Elf living in the highest treetops of Fairwood, or a rich human living in luxury within the city of Gondlair, they are all united in their alienation of people viewed as “different”. Personally for me, this really brought home how this concept is mirrored in much of society today, and I really liked how the story explored this point.
Right up my street!! - 5*

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