Thursday, 22 September 2022

Ways To Make A Bit Of Extra Cash In Difficult Times

Right now, a lot of us are looking for extra ways to money, and no exceptions here - life is a struggle and a half isn't it.

Of course, it’s always nice to have a little extra disposable income lying around (does that ever happen though really...), but right now many of us need this generate extra income just to get by and keep our usual quality of life.

We’re in the midst of a cost of living crisis, which means that many of our wages are remaining the same, while the cost of living is skyrocketing, and in turn this means that the money we earn doesn’t get us as far as it used to and many of us are finding that any disposable income we did have is dwindling and we don’t have much "spare" income left at all...

The good news is that you can make a little extra money during these difficult times in a number of ways and here are a few suggestions that should help to give you some inspiration...

Sell Unnecessary Belongings...

More and more people are turning to buying second hand goods during this time - they are cheaper and often similar quality to something new if the first owner has looked after it properly.

This means that there is a market for secondhand goods out there and if you have any items that you neither want nor need, you may want to consider selling them to get some extra money together for other things in your life.

There are a few ways to go about selling your belongings and most people find that the easiest and most straightforward is to sell online using platforms like Facebook Marketplace, eBay, Vinted and more.

Some of these sites do take a portion of the sale as commission, but you can still make a fair amount.

Just make sure to consider and charge the buyer the cost of postage if you’re going to be posting the items to them and it is also a good idea to send the items tracked so that you can be sure they’ve arrived and don’t have to refund untrustworthy buyers.

Get Involved in Investments...

Investing the money you do have can see it grow...but you have to have it "spare" first to do this.

We’ve recently found that interest rates have peaked and it’s a good time to start investing and getting involved in stocks and shares.

Of course, if you’re getting involved in this field for the first time, it’s important to do your research into the stock market, CFD, Indices and other essential elements of the process to ensure you understand what you’re doing and only make wise investments.

Remember that any money you invest could potentially be lost, so look for advice each step of the way.

Consider Additional Work...

Not everyone can take on extra work as you may have responsibilities that mean your time and attention is already taken up outside of your usual working hours, but if you are able to take on some extra work without it negatively impacting your personal life, now may be the time to look into this.

Taking on overtime, a second job or even freelancing could prove to be an invaluable source of additional income right now.

These examples should help you to get on the path to making a little more money right now.

Hopefully, some will prove useful for you


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