Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Outfit of the Day

It was back to work for me today and earlier this morning I was feeling slightly nervous to be honest.  But - I have survived, and I even enjoyed the chaos a little bit.
I didn't enjoy the 5am alarm call, but I suppose I'll fall back into the routine of it soon enough.

Anyway, in preparation for "the big back to work day", I knew that I needed to hunt down some clothes acceptable for work, and as cheaply as possible.

As it was the Little Man's first day back at school yesterday, once I'd seen him into his new Year 3 class - fighting back tears and trying not to be "The Embarrassing Mum" bawling in the playground - I decided to go home and rake through all of my old, not-worn-for-ages clothes hidden away in the depths of my wardrobe, in a hope I could come up with some smart outfits for "back to work".

Ideally, I would have liked to have been able to rake through Primark and purchase a whole selection of new purse-friendly outfits, but my funds are a little...well...a lot non exsistant at the minute- even for a Primark splurge!!
I suppose that comes from a six week holiday spent entertaining a seven year old and his friends with day trips, gift shops and other costly activities.

Anyway, after spending most of the day rummaging about, knee deep in clothing, I did manage to come across a few little surprises.  Hidden between jumpers that were squashed together, and sandwiched under a pile of old jeans, were things I'd totally forgotten about!
"New" outfits without spending! Fab - and now I have a little bit of a "new" work wardrobe to start me off nicely.

After all of this hard work (!!), I decided that now is as good a time as any to post my FIRST ever "Outfit of The Day".
And my first ever photo of me!!  :)

Obviously I need to be smart/casual working with children and appropriately covered up, so today I opted for a full on Primark outfit, apart from the flip flops, which are New Look...but ancient New Look, and by ancient I mean about 7 years old.  They have seen better days I have to admit, but because they are so plain, they go with just about anything, and I can't bring myself to throw them away.

I bought all the items I'm wearing quite a while ago and I doubt they're in stock now, but you never know.  However I'm pritty certain New Look stopped stocking the flip flops a good long while ago!!   :)

It's me (eek!!).  And yep, I felt a wally posing and sorry about the background - I will do better next time!  :)

• Black jersey midi dress with white polka dots
• Black Cardigan
• White strappy vest

New Look:
• Gold Flip Flops - trust me, they are that battered, you wouldn't want a photo of them!!  ;)

It was all about comfort and practicality today.  The cardigan and vest (under the dress) helped to "cover up" a little bit.  Plus wearing a cardie is really useful.  I'm usually running around after numerous 12 year olds and it gets a tad warm, so a cardigan's perfect to just be able to ditch on the run. Literally!!

I love this midi dress.  It covers me up and is a good length for work.  I think the materials a little bit clingy around the tummy (urgh!) but because it has a waist tie belt in the same material as the dress it helps the material at the top drape a bit and helps disguise said problem area.

And I finished off with the ancient flip flops! They are a bit of a death trap to try attempt to run up a flight of stairs in, but they go with the dress, and if I remember to run slowly, I'm usually OK.
Plus they're much safer than heels....!!

I don't really wear much jewellery for work - I like to keep things plain, simple and un-fussy.

And that's that.

Simple, wardrobe-recycled, work outfit.

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