Thursday, 17 October 2013

Organisation Is The Key

Organisation is the key.

And I'm not one to argue with that.

At times, it feels like my head is a little bit of a sieve - there are things I know I have to do, places I know I have to be and dates that I know I just shouldn't be forgetting - but my brain doesn't seem able to keep up.

Then throw in the odd kiddies party, the school disco's and numerous school trips and non-uniform days, and that's it, I'm in total brain melt down mode.

I'd say it's an "age thing"...but then I'd really start to become depressed!  :)

This is why my absolute must have item of every single year is a diary organiser.
One that I can keep in my bag and check on as and when I need to, which more often than not ends up being a few times a day.

I just wouldn't manage without one.

Usually, I find a fairly cheap and cheerful one at my local supermarket that does the job just fine, but this year, it seemed as though they were all conspiring against me a tad - I just couldn't find any anywhere.  Despite always finding them on sale in July/August time, this year, I was told to wait until Christmas and try looking then.


Three whole months of having nothing to jog my memory - you must be joking!

The internet searches began immediately.

My first stop was Paperchase.

I know that Paperchase have some lovely bits and pieces but to be honest, I'm usually too much of a scrooge to pay anything above £5.00 for stationary.

But I was in dire need, and then, when I came across this little cute design, I just couldn't resist.

And it was a bargain too, at £8.00.

Yes, OK - I admit, this is most defiantly meant for a school-goer with its sections for timetables and exam dates; and Yes, it probably isn't something an adult of my age should be purchasing - but tough!

It's cute; it's pink; it's girly and I like it.

So I bought it.

But if this isn't your thing, there are so many really pretty designs available at Paperchase, it will be a difficult choice to choose just one.

My diary arrived really quickly after I ordered it - thank goodness - and although it was bigger than the usual tiny hand bag day-to-day diaries I buy, it still fit inside my work bag nicely, and most importantly, had plenty of room inside to write the majority of my brain down within it!

I honestly couldn't be without it, and it's so pretty, I always get lots of lovely comments when people spot it.

Most importantly, it will (thankfully) keep me organised for another year.

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