Sunday, 24 November 2013

Book Geek Alert: Author Signing Event

The time has come to admit it, openly and publicly to all...

My first ever visit to London a few weekends ago (see here and here) was purely arranged so that I could attended...

A Book Convention

There - I've said it.  It's now out there - I'm a total book geek...and I love it.

Actually, if I'm honest, it wasn't a real Book Convention at all, but was a brilliant, amazing, fantastic (should I go on?) author signing event, organised by Totally Booked.

Myself and three of the other ladies from our Orchard Book Club booked the tickets months ago, and travelled down to London especially for the event.

Of course we fully took advantage of our "Ladies Weekend Away" status, and ate, drank and had a ball, but this event was total priority to us all.

And Oh My Goodness, how nervous were we!!

We arrived at the very swanky Hilton Metropole on Edgewere Road, which is where the signing was being held.

After an alcoholic beverage...purely for "calming-medicinal-purposes" of course, we changed into our official Orchard Golden Apple the you do...and then the nerves just seemed to hit us from nowhere.

The room next door was filled with some of our favourite authors, all waiting to speak to us...


It was honestly like being back at school, getting ready to enter the biggest exam of the year.

Nerve wracking.

And this probably wasn't helped at all by the fact that we did look a teeny bit as though we were on a school trip stood in our fantastic, uniform outfits...or that we were asked to wait in an X-Factor like "holding room" for fifteen minutes.

But then - we were in.

A room filled with books, and authors, who were all more than willing to sign autograph books, novels, have photographs taken, and even give us free things for Orchard type giveaways.

Such lovely ladies.

And they all loved our Golden Apple autograph books made by the very talented Dinky Apple Design.

It was total adrenaline overload - I don't think I have laughed and smiled so much in ages.

It was genuinely an awe inspiring day.

The three of us even had our first taste of "fame" too when a lovely lady ran over to us exclaiming:
"Oh it's the Orchard Book Club"!!  Can I have you're picture"

Why yes, of course you can.

Autographs anyone...???

The amount of books I bought was crazy, but I couldn't resist.  I mean, meeting the author and having a personal message in the front of it from them - Of course I was going to spend way too much cash.

We were so shattered by the end of the event - but it was definitely beyond worth it.

So, there we go - I have just cemented my Book Geek Status 100%.

Ah well - roll on the next event is all I can say!

Edinburgh 2014 anyone...?

And a little 'Note To Self': Take a very large suitcase to Edinburgh for the mountain of books to be purchased!

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