Tuesday, 26 November 2013

I'm Back At The Gym: Fitness, Fitness, Fitness

Well, the inevitable has happened - and to be perfectly honest it simply had to.

I went back to the gym tonight, after a very long and lazy five weeks away.

I actually only meant to miss two classes, but then blogging; the cold weather and home life just kind of spiraled and took over really - I found any excuse possible to not motivate myself.

As much as I enjoy exercise, I really do need pushing into it.

Once I'm there, it's great and I never regret going and I always feel lousy if I don't exercise - very sluggish, bloated and just plain yakky really.

And with a little fact I found out recently hanging over me, that physical strength and mobility begin to decline at the age of thirty (www.multipower.com/uk), and with my very own thirtieth birthday approaching fast - very fast indeed - I need need need to get a routine started again....


I do try to not beat myself up too much about it all though.  I'm on my feet running around after teenagers all day, everyday at work, and afterwards, I look after my son, clean the house, do the school run and the shopping....
I'm very rarely still (no wonder I'm always tired!) and it all counts as activity at the end of the day.

But, for me, five weeks away from the gym is such a long time and I'm determined to throw myself into it all and kick-start my gym obsession again.

I haven't always enjoyed the gym or exercise though.
Up until a few years ago, I would never, ever have taken myself inside one.  However - one fateful day, I did - I ventured to a Circuit Training class, where I could work, in the main part, at my own pace, and this set the seed - I haven't looked back.

I absolutely love it.

I'm not a huge fan of the tradmill/rowing machine kind of workout though.  I will do them if I really have to and sometimes having a little bit of "me" time, sticking the headphones on and having a long treadmill run really does help to de-stress and gives me a little bit of breathing space away from everything, and I do feel fab afterwards.

But my all time favourite type of workout simply has to be the intense cardio, body shattering, instructor led classes, like Body Pump, Body Attack, Body Step and my new favourite, HIIT.

They all have you running, jumping, squatting and literally sprinting around for anything between thirty minutes to an hour, to fast paced music, with an instructor screaming at you to do better, which is just what I need.

But the pain, oh it can be a nightmare at times, but I plough through and I always feel like I have accomplished something afterwards.

I always go back for more anyway.

There are lots of things available to help with the recovery of muscles after one of these really hard, punishing classes too - protein shakes and fit protein are designed specifically to boost carbohydrate levels in the body, and I suppose they give you that extra push to be able to do more and to go further.

As far as diets and healthy eating plans go, I've probably tried everything on the planet to loose weight over the years, but the thing I've found that works best for me is a low fat healthy eating plan that allows me to eat the carbohydrates required to workout properly, and to eat the proteins needed for healthy muscle development.

Healthy eating helps a healthy lifestyle and really does help to loose weight.

And of course I love the odd treat - but who doesn't...

All in moderation though.

So, that's the first class this week done and dusted, now to keep the momentum going.

Here's to a healthy, fitness filled Christmas and New Year

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