Thursday, 2 January 2014

Au Revoir Christmas

Well, the decorations are down and hidden away in the loft for yet another year.

The Husband is back at work.

My son's homework project has been dragged out of his book bag, and Google is on high alert.

And my gym kit is sat on my bed giving me stern looks, ready for a killer Jump FX class this evening.

Yep - the festivities are well and truly done and "normality" is upon us.

Yet, due to my disorganisation, this post is Christmas related, and a "Thank You" to my lovely Secret Santa Number 2.

This year - erm...well last year actually....I took part in two Secret Santa projects - one organised by the lurverly Hayley and the other by the fab Char.

It was Char's Secret Santa organised parcel that caused me a real agonising wait, as I was instructed not to open it until Christmas day, which was very hard - so hard in fact, I had to get it to my Mum's house and ask her to hold onto it for me until Christmas Eve.

Simply no willpower when it comes to pretty parcels.

Anyway, when it was time to open up, I was presented with some lovely wrapped packages and a very cute Christmas card.

This Ciate Caviar Nail Polish set is fab - I've heard a lot about the brand, and now I have the perfect excuse to try it out for myself.

And these Christmas Pudding hair clips are just great!

I wore them with a Cheesy Christmas Jumper to a pre-Christmas day party, and they finished off my festive outfit perfectly.

Thank you to my lovely Secret Santa - I loved my gifts - great choices - and Thank You again to Char for her fab Secret Santa organising.

And that's Christmas well and truly over and done with!

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