Wednesday, 1 January 2014

My Best Post-Christmas Sale Buys

Happy 2014 Everyone - I hope you all have lots of fun!

I didn't really partake in the "Post Christmas Sale Shopping Of 2013" very much - all of that hustle and bustle is really too much for me to be dealing with.

The last thing I can be bothered doing the day after stuffing far too many After Eights into my already pogged body, is to be fighting over a T-Shirt with another overly enthusiastic shopper, when I wouldn't normally look twice at it.

No Thank You.

I did however do A LOT of on-line sale browsing, and ended up adding lots of unnecessary items to my baskets, and then deciding at the crucial second, that I really didn't need any of it, and switching off the computer.

Far too sensible if you ask me!!

I did manage to pick up about £60 worth of things from River Island for just £34 for my son sense of shopping reasoning always seems to up and leave me when I'm buying things for him - which it probably why the majority of exciting parcels that come to my house are filled with goodies for him.

Anyway, I had just about given up hope of finding anything for myself, when I stumbled across a few beautiful things that I'd been after for ages, and I just couldn't resist them.

The first being this amazing over-sized furry cream tote bag from River Island.

Now, my younger sister always, always, always has really nice bags that make me extremely jealous, and a while ago she bought the black version of this for £40, and as much as I absolutely loved it, there was no way I could justify spending all of that cash on one bag.

So imagine how just happy I was to find this little gem for half price!

Yep - it cost me just £20 and it wasn't long out in the shop if my sisters River-Island-Bag-Facts are correct.

It's just beautiful and huge - plenty of space for all sorts of rubbish.

My second on-line purchase for myself came in the form of these fab tan ankle boots from New Look.

I've been searching for a decent pair of these for ages, but I didn't want Chelsea style ones as I already have a black pair, but nothing else was appealing to me at all.

I had practically given up hope of finding any that I liked, and then, on what seemed like the very last sale page I looked at, out jumped these little lovelies.

All "worn in" looking and chain detailed - and real suede too - with an amazing £65 price tag slashed down to £20.
I can't even tell you how fast they were added to the basket and paid for.

I love them - they'll look great with my blue skinny jeans, or with little dresses in the summer....always planning ahead...!!

All in all, my two on-line purchases should have cost me £105 (which I just wouldn't have paid) but I got them for a fabulous £40.

Bargain Central.

And to add to my bargain hunting a little more, when I tie in my River Island in-store sale bargain of the week - this stunning, heavily sequined, beaded dress, which was originally £60, down to £25 - I think I did pritty well this year...if I do say so myself.

I hope everyone else managed to find some fab savings in the sales too

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