Tuesday 11 March 2014

Red #rainbownails

"Red and yellow and pink and green, orange and purple and blueeee."

The rainbow song from everyone's childhood...the one that sort of confused us all when it was time to sit down and get all "Proper Science-y" and we realised that real rainbows were in fact quite different to the song.

I mean they don't even have any pink in them!

Anyway, it's this little song that forms the foundations of a bit of a bloggers weekly nail art project that was brilliantly set up by Lovely Kelly (Adventures in Tea and Cake).

And today is part of week number one.


I'm not very arty at all and my nails are still far from being in any sort of a good condition, but I still wanted to join in.

Yet I can't see my creativeness being all that exciting to be honest.

However - here I am, right at the beginning, Week Red, with this slightly messy effort.

I love red nails - the brighter the better - red is nearly always my "go to" colour, so this was a good start for me.

Art wise, well, I fail miserably but red polka dots is still different and a little "out there" for me.

And I quite like 'em.

A few coats - three to be exact - of this "Diva" red polish on each nail, and two coats of this much thicker grey colour called (I love this name!!) "Angel Wings" on my ring fingers, to add a little bit of variety.

Then keeping with the red theme, I added a few red dots to the two otherwise red-less nails.

Simple but still quite effective I think.

Both of the polishes are quite old now actually, and I dug them out especially for this project - they were both from Collection 2000 - and are both "fast dry" - anything to speed up having to wait around for polish to dry.

They cover quite nicely - the red was quite thin in consistency to be honest, which was maybe something to do with it's old age, and it took more coats of it to help my nails look anywhere near half decent than the grey did.

The polish left a real shiny nail behind, and they are a great addition to have in any polish collection.

Check out #rainbownails

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