I think it's quite fair to say that I have been known to be a tad partial to a bit of *sparkle* in my time.
I mean, a little bit of "bling" never hurt anyone now did it.
So when I saw this really quite unusual case for my iPhone on the Mobile Madhouse website, I just knew it had to be mine, and being the kind people that they are, Mobile Madhouse sent me it to have a little look at.
It is just so pretty and really eye-catching.
The back of the case is mirrored, and then sectioned off into these little rainbow, bead-filled segments which really catch the light and throw off some amazing glitter ball type shimmers.
The tiny crystal-beads move about too so they have turned my phone into a sort of muted down, mini maraca.
Everyone who has seen it has commented at how different and unique it is - which is just what I like.
Plus it fits on my phone perfectly and is really lightweight whilst still managing to make my phone feel a whole lot sturdier than before, which is partly due to the screen protector that was sent too.
And I must add, it was the easiest, most fuss-free screen protector I have ever used.
I always make a right old mess trying to fit them perfectly, smoothing them down bit by bit but they never fail to look just terrible - I end up throwing them away.
This one however had clear "How To" instructions and I ended up with zero air bubbles, zero stress and a protected screen...one protected with a cover so thin it really doesn't feel or look like there is one on at all.
And all this for the very reasonable price of £5.99
I think Mobile Madhouse are quite great.
They stock a whole range of phone cases, tablet cases and mobile accessories too.
All are reasonably priced with free UK delivery.
Take a peek and see if they have some "sparkly rainbow" equivalent to suit you
*mobile case sent to be tested and given an honest, impartial review
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