Friday, 11 April 2014

Shaken, Not Stirred



! E X C I T E D !

Today is start of our bloggers holiday and I can not wait for work to finish so I can jump into the car with the fab Kelly, hit the road and join the rest of the blogger ladies at our weekend cottage.

We've had a few email conversations back and fourth between the eight of us recently, excitement obviously building, regarding the things we plan to do, plan to eat and of course plan to drink.

One thing that is decided upon, and was set in stone fairly early on I should add, is that we are having a bit of a girly cocktail evening, which should be brilliant!

And thanks to those fab people over at drinkstuff we now have the correct tools for the job and have no excuse but to get the party started properly.

We have been treated to some brilliantly shaped cocktail glasses, including two Z-Stem Martini glasses, two Pina Colada glasses, two Finesse Margarita Glasses and four Mason Drinking Jars - one of which I'm claiming for my "Blogger Holiday Momento" without a doubt - I just love 'em!

 But that's not all - Oh No!

We also have a full on Cocktail Making Set, including a cocktail shaker, a cocktail making book with 150 different drinks to experiment with AND it even includes paper umbrellas and indoor sparklers.


Thank you again to drinkstuff for a great selection of boozy making treats.

They are sure to be put to fantastic use!

Cocktail making here we come 

*products sent, for free, for us to use and honestly review

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