Thursday, 19 June 2014

My Ultimate Kind Of Garden Party

This post was intended to go live yesterday, but I spent too much time at my Gran's house after work and I just didn't get time to sort it all out properly.

It was her 71st Birthday - of course posting can wait.

Hope you had a great day Grandma.

So, as well as stuffing my face with lots of lovely Grandma-Made-Food (it's always the best isn't it!) we sat outside in the warmth chatting, Grandma with "just a small" whiskey in hand, enjoying the fabulous sunshine.

Yep, you heard right, we were actually outside in the garden.

How brilliant...Summer may very well be on it's way...I think I may have even caught a little bit of sun too.

I really hope this is the start of things to come.

There's something about relaxing outside, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face that doesn't fail to totally cheer me up.

I love it.

And it got me to thinking a little bit...well...a lot really - about partying in the sunshine - I mean just how brilliant are summer garden parties.

Now, I'm not an overly fancy, fussy kind of a gal - more fuss means more time to spend organising and stressing, and who wants to be bothered with that when there's sun to be enjoyed.

Just a few simple essentials and a fab garden are all you need in my book.

However, my own garden is far from "fab" at the moment and there's no way in it's current state that there could be any kind of partying occurring in it.

Which is why it is very lucky that I have in-laws who do love to throw the odd party and who do have an amazing garden. 

I mean, it is immaculate.

It is massive.

And it is very party ready.

There is certainly a lot of  space - always an important Garden Party consideration - the more space there is, the more people that can be crammed in to enjoy the celebrations...or usually in our case, the more space to send the kiddies off to play in...

Well, the adults need a little R&R too don't they...

Another important aspect of any Garden Party is the element of fun.
This fab garden has a lovely little forest-adjoining-gate at the bottom of it which is perfect for the children to enjoy some not-too-far-away exploration.

There's usually a paddling pool thrown into the mix too at some-point, which is naturally always a hit with the kiddies - both young and old.

And then of course, no garden party would be complete without some lovely food - usually a yummy BBQ - and the odd ice cold beverage - be those alcoholic or not.

I love nothing more than lazing in this garden in the sunshine - it certainly makes for a fun, chilled out day.


If I could add anything at all to improve it, something to give it even more of a W-O-W factor than it already has, I think I'd have to take a look at adding a set of new doors to the house, overlooking everything.



Yep, doors.

And, no I'm not going crazy, because when I say "doors" I don't mean the usual, ordinary, run-of-the-mill kind of doors - oh no.

I mean a set of real fancy pants, bi-folding doors - some that are similar to the ones the brother-in-law recently added to his home.

They totally help to change the feel of the whole house.

The huge, 90% clear foldable doors open up the house, creating a light, airy space which brings the rooms of the inside and elements of the outside together perfectly.

Now imagine a set of these doors surrounded by the lush forest views that are all around the in-laws home.


They add such a stunning element to any house...but, more importantly for my Ultimate Garden Party...they really add to the atmosphere.

I mean, imagine sat inside, doors fully open, looking out over the amazing forest, beverage in hand, with everything around you literally filtering through into your home.

Perfect eh!

A welcome addition to any "Ultimate Garden Party"

Come on Summer - I can not wait

*a collaborative, sponsored post

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