Tuesday, 8 July 2014

A Day In Edinburgh

This weekend in Yorkshire there was an amazing buzz about the whole place.

People pulled together to create an amazing atmosphere to really welcome in the Tour de France, and everyone I spoke to was making plans and talking about the best places to go for the best views of the event.

On Saturday, streets were crammed, roads were closed, people were happy and excited and the atmosphere was just fantastic.

Or so I heard anyway.

Typically, the one time in absolutely ages that something spectacular and awe-inspiring happens in the place that I live and grew up in, I'm over two hundred miles away, missing absolutely everything.

Can you believe it?

But to be fair, I was having an absolutely amazing weekend in Edinburgh with my family and my fab friends - those lovelies over at A Blog's Life in fact - so I'm not really too bothered to be honest.

And Edinburgh is just so lovely.

I actually don't know what I was expecting from the place, but it wasn't what I got that's for sure - I was totally taken aback by just how beautiful it is.

There was greenery everywhere and so many beautiful buildings that I got a little "snap-happy" and photographed everything.

On Saturday, the men and the kiddies had enjoyed a fun-packed day out at Edinburgh Zoo - which they loved.

So on Sunday, we toned the pace down a little and spent the day having a leisurely stroll around, taking in all that the City has to offer.

We popped into the odd shop, stopped off for the odd drink, snapped the odd picture.

It was brill.

Edinburgh Castle was a particular favourite of mine - I do love a bit of history - and although we unfortunately didn't venture inside (£100 for the six of us - eek!!) we simply just enjoyed looking and being there.

The kiddies were asking lots of questions too which is always a bonus - if the kids are interested you know you're onto a winner of a day.

I really loved pretty Edinburgh and can't wait to visit again

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