Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Blog Yorkshire - Lots Of Goodies

So as not to keep people waiting too long, this is just a little post to show off the amazing amount of "stuff" I was given in my goody bags from Blog Yorkshire at the weekend (see here).

I know, I know - totally spoilt.

But as well as winning three lovely raffle prizes, I walked out of the room with:

~ a festival-ready bag from Country Attire

Inside the very useful canvas bag I found a very practical pen and a lip balm; a brilliant, bright floral bracelet which is very festival-esque; a tartan clutch bag shaped thing-a-ma-jig which I discovered to be a picnic mat - brilliant; and a pair of bright pink and blue sunglasses which I just love...and did a little squeal at when I found them.

They will be perfect for this weekends supposed heat-wave.

~ an ESPA luxuriously beautiful skincare bag crammed with products

I will be featuring all of these wonderful things on my blog in more detail in a little while (once I've tested them out properly) just as I did with my last set of goodies (see here).

I really do love ESPA - they are so generous.

After a mini skin consultation I was handed a kit for my combination skin to
help with my horrible breakouts, and was also presented with a gorgeous spearmint body polish that buffed my arm - in seconds - to a very minty and amazingly soft place.

I can't wait to try this out fully - I'll have one amazingly soft body when I do that's for sure.

~ House Of Fraser gave us each a cute little bag with three miniatures inside and I was really pleased to have this little trio inside of mine

I mean, you can't go wrong with branded products like these can you.

~ Wynsors Shoes gave us each a mini festival survival kit

...which did contain a few sweeties too... but I have an eight year old - they're long gone!

The nail file/buffer/shiner is perfect and something my nails have missed so I'm really pleased there was one in there.

I entered a little festival-selfie competition for Wynsors too - holding the goody bag of course...

And I won!

So with my £20 winnings voucher, I have just ordered

Whadda ya think...?

They were a total bargain at just £8 each too.

And last, but by no means least, I had the mammoth Blog Yorkshire goody bag itself to delve into

I can't wait to get started on everything - particularly the fake tan to try and summer-up my winter-hidden legs.

So yes - I do agree, that once again I was very spoilt with treats and goodies.

But I just love it.

Now, where on earth am I going to put everything...

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