Wednesday, 16 July 2014

L.vida Korean Nails

It's been a little while since I showed any kind of nail painting love on my blog so today I'm going to rectify this a little bit.

Now it really doesn't take much persuasion for me to be sucked into the act of spending cash, which is very unfortunate for my very poor bank account.
So when Kel sent me a little DM recently, explaining that she had spotted a sale on some Korean nail varnishes which she was placing an order for and did I want to jump aboard and stick some in the order for myself - well obviously I had to take her up on the offer....

...especially when a lengthy rake over the website - the L.vida section of the MeMebox website showed me all of the brilliant colours on offer...

...and of course the very pretty packaging just called out to me too...

I'm such a sucker when it comes to pretty things, and this is why I ended up receiving these little lovelies recently

See - the sheer prettiness would pull anyone in and force a purchase now wouldn't it.

Plus I think they all cost me around £8 - which is a bargain not to be missed if you ask me.
(constantly justifying that spending streak aren't I...)

Anyway, the colour I tried out first was this very purple "Pretty Grape" colour - it's lovely and actually got me a fair few colour-admiring compliments too.

Application wise, this one was fine - a nice thick brush, no streaks, it dried fairly quickly (although my impatient self would have liked the drying stage to have been extra speedy - as I always do) and after two coats, it produced this lovely deep purple colour.

Lastability - well I had a fair few days out of this before any chips appeared, which was great for me, and even then I managed to "touch up" that chip - unnoticeably might I add - to help prolong it's life even more.


A slight chemical-like smell if there was any negative to be found, but no where near the worst I've ever had in a nail polish.

And I now have another three very lovely, very bright shades to try out too.

Watch this space for details of those

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