Sunday, 26 October 2014

UGG UK Certainly Answered My #UGGSOS

Well, this weekend I had a whole set of blog posts planned out in my head and I had actually put time aside to make sure that they were all complete and edited in good time too.

But alas (dramatic eh!), it obviously wasn't meant to be.

However I am in no way complaining about this, I mean, how could I - as I sit here, the scent of brand new leather billowing all around me - my posts didn't get a look in for quite an amazing reason.

Out and about shopping - well I was actually at my son's early Saturday morning swimming lesson (shopping came after!) when I first saw a little Tweet from UGG I sent a cheeky tweet back, in response to their shout out asking for the people of Leeds to express their footwear SOS's.

Using the hashtag #UGGSOS people were asked why they believed their footwear needed rescuing by UGG.

My response hinted towards my ever increasing age (sob) and feeling a need to be slightly more sophisticated in the footwear department.

Never in a million, billion years did I think I would be chosen...there were so many tweets, but then, I noticed I had a DM...from none other than UGG UK themselves...containing details of a rendezvous place.


Yep - I happy danced

How could I not - it is pritty crazily amazing stuff.

And OK - when I arrived I totally babbled, blushed, grinned like a loony and mumbled far too much when I was recorded being asked a few UGG related questions...and...oh my god...I really don't ever want to see that video clip


But then, from behind me, a brilliant cream UGG Vespa appeared, whizzing itself around the corner and I totally forgot about my messed up ramblings...

... because the lovely, smiling UGG SOS Vespa driver handed me a beautiful black bag...

...and when I opened the huge black box within the huge black bag I found...

...some AH-MAZING new babies named Olivia.

Aren't they just thee most fantastic-est boots you ever did set your eyes upon.

* contented s - i - g - h *

And be honest - aren't they so far away from any boot you would usually associate with the UGG brand?

They were for me anyway.

It would seem I have a lot yet to learn about the UGG the fact that they stock men's shoes...and that they stock children's shoes...and that they stock f-a-r more ladies styles than I ever imagined...

More amazing shoesies for me to drool over

UGG, without a doubt, answered my #UGGSOS call because I could not possibly fail to look stylish and sophisticated in these beauties now could I.

I just loves 'em lots.

Thank you SOOOO much UGG UK - you totally made my month.

I can't wait to get these on my feet

*UGG boots gifted to me - on the streets of Leeds... - words and pictures all my own :)

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