Sunday, 4 January 2015

The Clinique Sonic System Brush

As I pointed out in my last post (link here) 2014 was quite a lucky, prize-winning year for me.

It was brilliant.

I won raffles, tweet-style competitions and lucky-dips.

It made me and my need for lovely things (materialistic...? Who me...??) all warm, fuzzy and smiley.

One of the Twitter-style-competitions meant I had a prize falling into my lap from those amazing people at Clinique (I use their foundation daily - trust me - I am allowed to call them amazing!).

I retweeted something Clinique put out, and totally by chance was picked and was then sent this little contraption to keep - all for my very own!!


The prize was the very new Clinique Sonic System - oh, and a sample sized tube of the Clinique Foaming Facial Soap to accompany it too.

(Thought of everything didn't they)

I'll admit, writing this post has taken a little longer than anticipated, but trust me, I whipped this out of the box the second it arrived.

I couldn't wait to get going with it.

Now the Sonic System is basically a facial cleaning brush which uses sonic technology to get really deep down under the skin for a fuller, much more in-depth kind of a clean.

Sounded pritty great to me.

The brush has a slightly angled tip - ideal for getting all those hard to reach bits, especially around the T-Zone.

The bristles were in two different colours too - 

~ The green bristles, to be angled and used on the forehead, nose and chin, ideally in an up and down motion

~ The white bristles, to be used on the rest of the face, in circular motions

After reading the instructions, I initially decided that using the brush once a day for thirty seconds was a good way to go - I didn't want to be going against the advice of Clinique now did I.

So first, I wet my face a little, then lathered some of the facial soap onto my hands and rubbed it all over my face - avoiding the eye area.

The soap didn't really foam as I would have typically expected, but it worked across the skin nicely and had a very subtle, fresh scent.

One push of the button on the brush handle set the bristles vibrating for thirty seconds which was enough time for the first few weeks of use

~ Five seconds to be spent on each - forehead, nose and chin

~ Fifteen seconds to be spent across both cheeks

...which, if I'm honest didn't seem like any time at all to be using it for...but I did as I was told.

I really didn't feel a thing at all, just a very soft brush and a slight vibration feeling.

Once the timer had finished and the brush stopped, I simply washed the remaining product from my face with clean, warm water.

Job done.

Oh - and I very carefully washed the brush too - despite removing my make-up first, the amount I found on the brush was still quite a lot...

...which I suppose illustrates just how good a cleaning job this actually does...

...and how much make-up I was actually going to leave on my face without even realising...

~ Urgh ~

My face felt a lot fresher and cleaner right from the first session, and this only increased the more I used it.

Fantastic Stuff

Now, as I said before, using the brush for just thirty seconds once a day doesn't feel like a lot at all.
Clinique do say to build this up over time to one minute twice a day...but OVER TIME...

I - of course - decided to jump the gun a little after just a few days and moved up to the one, maybe even two minute stage (oops!) way too fast.

~ So silly ~

And because I did this and didn't follow the instructions - which are there for very good reasons - one morning I noticed a small, kind of mottled, purpleish, bruise mark under the skin on my right cheek.

Totally my own fault.

It covered easily with make-up, but naturally, it wasn't ideal.

I'm guessing this was my skins way of letting me know that it didn't approve of so much sonic-ness being pulsed through it...but it certainly taught me to follow recommendations more that's for sure.

One minute, twice daily - at a MAXIMUM.

My skin did thank me for this little brush in the long run though, once I was back to using correct timings that is...oh and once I was over a bit of an outbreak of spots - yep - nasty spots...popping up all over my chin...

~ Eeek ~

I was assured however that they wouldn't last long and were due to the power of the sonic brush and it getting all the way deep down under my skin, getting all of the nastiness out...

...which it obviously did very well.

And yes, I am now chin-spot free and feel fresh-faced and clean.

Another plus point is that the brush is fully rechargeable and comes with it's own little wall-charger kit and stand - very handy - and that it is waterproof, so can be used in the shower too


Clinique really did think of everything didn't they!

Thanks lots Clinique - And my skin thanks you too

* Item won. Words, thoughts and pictures are all my own

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