Friday, 21 August 2015

Baby Baker Friday - A Brief, Unplanned Update

So as you know, I decided that Friday's on the blog would be dedicated to my now end-nearing pregnancy status.

I know it's not something everyone wants to read about but it is something I really wanted to do - so I'm doing it - after all, being pregnant and having a new baby is a huge thing to be happening in my life and I really wanted to share bits and pieces of what is going on amongst these pages.

So here we go

~ Baby Baker Friday ~

Right - I have a little confession to make.

Rather than write up my planned post for today, I've been too busy surrounding myself with amazingly good food at Harrogate's Foodies Festival.

I know, I know - I'm rubbish aren't I, but when these fab opportunities - ones with yummy chocolate especially - present themselves there's just no saying no...

But I do send massive apologies your way for my lack of organisation.

So for today's post I decided to use my little blip of "me being rubbish" to just give you a really quick, brief overview of how things are going so far.

A few people will already know that a few weeks ago we were involved in a car accident on the motorway - thankfully we were all OK - bumped, bruised and sore - but we know it could have been a lot worse.

Needless to say the past few weeks have been a whole mish-mash mess of doctors visits, stress and tear filled phone calls trying to get things ship-shape and sorted out as soon as possible.

The fact that we are now car-less doesn't really help lessen stress levels but it is only a car at the end of the day...still, with Baby Baker's arrival in less than nine weeks it's an inconvenience we could have done without really...

In an attempt to try and counteract some of this stress (and to try and cheer myself up a little bit) I decided to be mega-baby organised and start to get my check-list as complete as possible.


~ I ordered my first lot of nappies and wipes...

I chose these particular nappies as they were on a pritty good offer in Boots, and I'm all about the penny saving.

The wipes, well I'm not against using other brands at all and actually have a whole stash of others as well, but I've heard really good things about Water Wipes and decided to give them a try - I thought they would be the kindest for baby's bum in the very early days.

~ I bought a few bits for my hospital bag.

I'm having an elective cesarean (more on that one in a later post!) so could potentially be in hospital for a few days and I need to be prepared!

I've scoured the internet and You Tube and taken loads of advice to make sure I'm packing everything I could possible need without going too OTT.
(again, more on that soon)

~ Baby Baker's changing bag is now out of it's packaging and is all ready for me to start packing up her first days worth of essentials as it will be doubling up as her hospital bag too.

~ I've made a start on the baby clothes washing.

I was really apprehensive at making all of the lovely neat, cute, clothes I have look like raggy old dishcloths - my washing skills won't be winning me any prizes that's for sure - but actually (surprisingly!) everything seems to have come out very much OK so far.

...I guarantee I won't be ironing baby towels or scratch mitts when baby is actually here, but at the moment, I'm sure this act of madness can be forgiven.

~ I took a picture of my bump...

Not a massively alien thing for most mums-to-be to be doing I know, but it's not something I've done as of yet - don't get me wrong, I love my bump I just haven't made any real comparisons of my body before and after pregnancy up until now...

...and now I know exactly what 26 weeks worth of baby growing can achieve!

~ I'm making a few plans for my baby shower.

It's not going to be anything big or major, just a small gathering of friends and family to celebrate Baby Baker's upcoming arrival.

It's quite exciting really.

And to see everything all written down like this - well - no wonder I'm so tired at the moment, I've actually had a few really busy weeks haven't I.

But tired or not, I'll make sure I'm back on my scheduled track next week.

Have a brilliant week everyone

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