Thursday 24 September 2015

A Fabulous Day, With Fabulous People - The #HBAlPorto Meet, Hull

I never forget just how lucky I am to have the honour of being invited along to some really fabulous places where I have the chance to meet amazing people, all through the power of my blog.

It has got to be one of the best things that deciding to write down all of my rambling thoughts has introduced to my life.

~ I just love it ~

And a few weekends ago I was presented with yet another of these fabulous opportunities when I was asked along to Hull, where I would be able to mingle with lots of lovely Hull-based bloggers at the #HBAlPorto meet up.

Obviously I jumped at the chance, which is why I found myself at the amazing event venue that was Al Porto within Hull's lovely marina.

We - as in myself, Carl and Kelly - arrived together, but were a little later than anticipated - eek.

However the lovely organisers Alex, Kat and Jenny held on for us - and then didn't even shout or look in the slightest bit annoyed as we hurried through the door quite a while after everybody else it would seem...

~ Ooops ~
(sorry ladies!)

But no tellings off at all for us, I was instead presented immediately with a smile, a glass of water and a seat.


And I have to say that I've never felt so well looked after - the girls were fantastic and constantly checked to see if myself and Baby Baker were doing OK - which of course, we were.

How could we not be?

~ The amazing Al Porto nibbles were constantly being brought around the room for us to snaffle

~ The people in attendance were so friendly and chatty

~ And the fabulous brands dotted around the room were so informative, helpful and really blooming generous too

My eyes instantly hit the Lush table - oh how I do love me a little bit of Lush - and I was immediately drawn in...

The new products on offer were simply calling out to me to be taken home and in the end I had to resist temptation and bought just the one bath bomb - an amazingly colourful "The Experimenter" - but not for me to enjoy unfortunately - oh no - this was for my bath-bomb addicted nine year old son

Lush has to be the only non-toy shop that I can take him in and there are no complaints at all.

And so after a Lush-filled chat and an amazing hand massage I was handed a fabulous goody bag of Lush filled treats to enjoy at home - so lucky I know.

As I was plodding away I then bumped into the very friendly Viridian spokesperson...

A lot of the other bloggers were trying a range of the different health products he had on show and they all appeared really surprised with how their previous expectations of health related supplements differed so much from the actual truth.

Things such as the realisation that supplements can actually taste nice...

Anyway, my little group of people certainly appeared impressed and all seemed very keen to make a few lifestyle changes to allow them to incorporate some of the products into their daily routines.

And even myself, in my "with child" state, wasn't left out either - I was given my own health care, pregnancy friendly treats too.

I mean how fab is that - specially catered for at an event - very fancy, eh.

My nose then got the better of me and I simply had to venture over to the Weleda products and have a little delve into the offerings I found there...

I think my favourite product on the table was the green labelled Citrus Deodorant as it had such a strong yet very beautiful scent.

I was also very keen to find out more about their all natural baby product range, so I nabbed the brochure and popped it in my bag...
(I asked permission first!)

And so, it was soon time to move onto a huge and very exciting part of the event - the amazing raffle.

The amount of prizes on offer was just ridiculously brilliant - I think everyone in the room had their eyes on something - the mega-pretty jewellery pieces from Joshua James were high on the "I want" lists of many (I know they were on mine anyway!) - and collectively we managed to raise £227 for the fabulous charity the Eve Appeal...

The fab - and very humorous - Lewis-Duncan Weedon was in attendance and took on the role of our talented raffle host and he had everyone crying with laughter in no time...

It really was so much fun.

Unfortunately, some other lucky ladies walked away with the jewellery pieces, but that's not to say I didn't do well myself, because oh indeed, I did...

I walked away with a brilliant stash of goodies - but more on a lot of those a little later.

And then to finish the day off - as if we could cram anymore brilliance in - we were each presented with not one, not two but t-h-r-e-e full to bursting goody bags each...

It was unbelievable the amount of amazingness we had under our arms as we left and I shall (of course!) be telling you all about my favourite pieces in future posts...

Even Baby Baker found an appropriate gift to claim...

The whole day was just outstanding and I feel so pleased that the lovely Hull Bloggers invited me along and included me, so warmly, in such a fab event.

Fingers crossed I can schmooze my way into the next one too...

After all, Hull Blogger events are simply NOT to be missed

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