Saturday, 19 September 2015

A Pool & Pizza Night Courtesy Of Slate NQ, Leeds

It's a really rare occasion these days if myself and the Hubby manage to get ourselves out on anything that could remotely be described as a "date night".

Between our working hours, training sessions, childcare and our sons various sporting pursuits there never seems to be a moment spare...and then when this free time does happen to pop up we'd much rather slob out with feet up, cuppas in hand and catch up on some TV.

Oh, how Rock & Roll we are

However there are times that we decide venturing out of the house is a good idea.

I mean a few hours of "us time" is really nice every now and again.

So recently, when I was invited along to Slate NQ - an all new pizza and pool bar situated in an amazing building in Leeds, how could I say no?!

Well - I didn't - we jumped at the chance and when we arrived a lovely young lady showed us straight upstairs where we pritty much had the whole floor to ourselves - which was just as well really because a heavily pregnant woman attempting to play pool could get quite humorous...

Saying that though I personally think I did OK, especially to say that I haven't played a game in such a looong time.

Anyway, we laughed and joked our way through our first game...

...breaking off halfway through to check out the food and drinks menus...

Service was fast and our beverage choices were with us in no time.

The Hubby opted for a rather strong smelling Northern Heights vodka based cocktail whilst my fruity little number was a lovely Berry Blast mocktail which was so refreshing that I could have polished off a whole jug full with no problem at all...

With drinks on the go, we carried on our game and even popped a little Periscope video up - luckily for me I was captured actually potting a ball - hurrah!

And then our food arrived - two absolutely massive pizzas and a portion of cracked pepper chips...

The Hubby opted for a Spicy Pork Sausage pizza whilst I decided - eventually - to go for a pizza too, a BBQ Pulled Pork one.

It was so tough deciding on one dish though as there were so many amazing sounding things on offer - I ideally wanted to sample the lot...
(Yes - I really am that greedy)

We sat down and tucked in, naturally swapping a few slices between us, and oh-my-word, the spicy pork sausage was so blooming hot, and that's coming from a person who really loves spicy food...

I know it was the sausage that packed the most punch - I needed water to cool off after a bite it's that intense - but as the toppings weren't overflowing on the pizza (they really didn't need to be) the sauce around the sausage played it's part and was also a tad crazy-hot too.

Don't get me wrong though, I really enjoyed what I was eating but I don't think I could have managed a full one to myself.

My own choice however was a lot tamer - the pulled pork was plentiful, very succulent and juicy and perhaps a little sweet tasting and it was complimented perfectly by the yummy buffalo mozzarella...

The bases on both pizzas were thin, crispy and cooked perfectly.

~ Yum ~

But saying this I still couldn't finish everything - the pizza was just too huge and this was certainly an occasion where I was very guilty of having eyes bigger than my belly
(if that is even possible right now!)

And as I mentioned, we also ordered a portion of cracked pepper chips to share between the both of us...

 ...well, what a classic error this was - what we really should have done is order a portion each because they were blooming amazing and I had a little sulk because the Hubby ate way more of them than I did...

~ So unfair ~

But once I had recovered from my "chip strop" and we had cleared our plates, we lazily played another few games of pool before saying our goodbyes and heading home.

I really enjoyed my "evening off" and found Slate NQ - sister bar to the ever popular Roxy Lanes and Roxy Ballrooms - another fabulously laid back, chilled out venue to really get the most out of a little bit of free time.

Chilled, fun, relaxed with good food and good drink - I mean, what more do you need.

Thanks for having us Slate NQ

*Food, drink & pool provided free of charge in exchange for an honest review - words, opinions & pictures all my own

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