Wednesday 7 October 2015

Leeds And Why I Love It So... #FlauntYaHaunt

So when I was asked by Travelodge to talk about "my haunt" - as in the place that I live - in relation to Leeds and why it is so amazing I initially thought, well I don't actually live in Leeds, so how could I possibly write about it..?

But because Leeds has been such a huge part of my adult life, I realised that the real question had to be, "How could I not write about it?", flaunting it's fabulousness as I go.

You see, I spent a whole three years of my life in and around Leeds whilst I was studying for my degree at Leeds Trinity And All Saints University and the people I met and the experiences I gained really helped shape me into the person I am today - I absolutely loved the place.

But, this isn't the part of Leeds that I'm flaunting today - I mean, it very well could be - but there's another part of the city that I love all the more.

And the area of Leeds that I'm all singing, all dancing about is the part that has made me the happiest over the past few years.

It's a fairly general area I'll admit, but it would be so hard to pick out just one venue as there have been so many that stand out - but once I explain I'm sure you'll understand why I have a need to group them together.

The part of Leeds that I love the absolute most has got to be The Headrow and it's surrounding shopping-friendly streets.

But why?

I mean, yes, OK there are the obvious reasons - this area of Leeds is packed full of fabulous shopping establishments - many of which I could gladly spend the best part of a day in.

And yep, Leeds certainly is full, pritty much all of the time, with hordes of people, all from totally different walks of life, who, if I'm honest, I could simply sit and watch pass me by for hours on end.

Leeds City Centre is certainly an interesting place to people watch that's for sure.

But I love this area for a different reason, a reason that means so much more to me than just the shopping.

What makes me smile the most about Leeds is the fact that it was here, on this street, just over two years ago that the lovely Kel took pity on me and my reclusive ways and brought me along on a day out, introducing me to an amazing set of lovely ladies.

And then here, amongst this group of brilliant people - people that I now call friends - my journey into this crazy, fabulous world of blogging began.

It seems that over the years, everywhere I turn this same section of Leeds, along with the lovely new friends I made, keep on presenting me with more and more new, fun and exciting opportunities.

There have been...

~ product demonstrations and relaxation parties at Lush...

~ meet-ups, games-a-plenty and gossip galore...

~ make-up workshops and product sampling at the fancy Harvey Nichols...

~ yummy lunches in pop-up tents situated, crazily, slap bang in the middle of the street...

~ cocktails and celebrity meets in new, up-and-coming bars...

~ celebrity schmoozing whilst fancy jewellery browsing...

~ even more alcohol and pizza creating workshops...

And as if all of this wasn't enough, it genuinely is just the tip of the Leeds-love iceberg for me.

Naturally over the years the dynamics of the group has grown, altered, changed and extended, but for me, this fabulous group of people and this amazing, action-packed, much-to-do area of the city is why I love Leeds so much.

The combination of the two - the area and the people - really helped to bring me out of my shell and gave me back a social life again - one that didn't need to consist of stumbling out of a nightclub at 2am once every six months...although I also know Leeds is pritty good for this too...

But I digress...

Leeds is such a fun, bustling, lively place, filled with fabulous and amazing people and I'm more than happy to "flaunt it" any day.

#FlauntYaHaunt and tell me why you love Leeds so much

* collaborative post - all thoughts, opinions & pictures are 100% my own

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