Monday 30 November 2015

Cook Your Way To A Healthy Smile

~ Healthy Eating ~

Two little words which I wish were as easy to adopt into daily life than they are to type.

I'm finding the whole "avoid naughty food" plan really hard right now.

Before I became pregnant I followed Slimming World and did so for a lot of years - I won't say I stuck to it religiously all of the time, but it helped me loose two and a half stone and I kept the basics at the back of my mind, following it without even thinking really, for years.

During my pregnancy though, I'll be honest, I totally took advantage of the fact that I was going to get bigger and I let all of those good eating habits fly out of the window.

And now, well, now I'm back at Slimming World with a good few stones to shift.

It's proving very hard though.

But with two little ones to look after now, healthy eating is so much more about weight loss, I need to keep the healthy habits going in our household to make sure my two little cuties are as healthy as they possibly can be.

And not only for the development of their bodies, but also to make sure their stunningly amazing smiles remain as bright, vibrant and beaming as ever.

Yep - that's right - their smiles.

simplyhealth recognise that whilst foods such as sugar can cause tooth decay and hinder a lovely smile, there are a whole host of foods which will actually benefit the development of strong healthy teeth, making a pretty smile healthier.

Which is very important to know - especially now - and to encourage me even more, simplyhealth very kindly sent me a box crammed full of some of these amazing organic superfoods from Abel & Cole...

And so, with the contents of this box I was challenged to create something in order to -
"Cook My Way To A Healthy Smile"

(I must add - the box was great by the way - I could really get used to having fresh food sent to me all of the time - it was packaged well and was really, really cold and fresh, ready to hit the fridge)

Now I'm not the most adventurous person when it comes to cooking...but thankfully I have my Hubby (A Blokes Eyeview) to help me out - he loves cooking and, unlike my efforts, he doesn't need to be glued to a cookbook in order to make something remotely edible.

And so we began...

~ Crab Fishcakes ~

~ We peeled, chopped and boiled the organic baking potatoes...

~ We added an onion to the mix and chopped it up with the celery before "frying"...

~ Meanwhile, the cheese was grated...

~ the cooked potatoes were drained and mashed up with a splash of organic milk (not pictured - oops - but also from Abel & Cole)...

~ Then we added the crab meat, onion and celery to the mash in a mixing bowl...

~ We mixed it all up before adding some of the cheese and two eggs (to help bind everything)...

~ We mixed well and then took small amounts and shaped into fishcake shapes (circles!)...

~ before frying on both sides until cooked...

We then enjoyed them with a large side salad including lots of Superfood Spinach.

I won't say they'd win any Masterchef awards or anything, but they were OK...and more importantly they contained a whole host of superfoods known for their teeth benefiting properties.

~ find more detailed information on everything I used here ~

Oh, and those apples, walnuts and hazelnuts hiding away in the box, well, I have to admit, they didn't make it into any kind of a recipe because I enjoyed nibbling them in front of the TV instead...

...well it certainly beats reaching for the chocolate now doesn't it...

Healthy Smiles all round

* collaborative post - box sent free of charge. Words & pictures all my own

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