Thursday 4 February 2016

Amara - Cute Valentine's Day Goodies

So, by now it's no real surprise to hear that myself and the Husband don't really buy into the whole Valentine's Day thing.

Maybe we're just too tight to get as deeply involved with it all as I've seen some people get.

But whatever the reason, we just don't bother.

That doesn't mean I don't spend hours (if I ever get that much time to myself that is) browsing the Internet around this time of year looking for lots of fantastic treats and goodies.

I mean, who doesn't love all of the hearts, flowers and pretty "l-o-v-e" adorned items?

I know I do.

And naturally the weeks surrounding Valentine's Day are going to be the best time to find all this kind of thing, lined up and backed up, wall to wall.

Take Amara for example.

A website with lots of very pretty things on offer - some which are a little high end and a tad (quite a tad actually) out of my price range, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy browsing them all the same...obviously "adding to basket" as I go.

I can dream, right...

But then there are lots of lovely goodies very much accessible to a smaller budget too - things which would be perfect treats for Valentine's Day - without having to scrimp on quality.

Take this little selection for example...

Aren't they lovely - and very Valentine's Day appropriate.

But I do love a good candle no matter the time of year.

I can guarantee that every trip to the supermarket has me picking up at least one - I have to have them burning whenever I am in the house, no matter the time of day.

And scent wise, I much prefer very fragrant, strong smells which are fruity or sweet (rather than floral) so this Goji and Tarocco Orange candle was right up my street...

It isn't overly big (booo!) but the design on the glass is really pretty and it has a fairly reasonable burning time of around 15 hours and the scent, oooh it's fantastic.

Very fruity indeed.

~ Perfect ~

I had it burning in the living room for just fifteen minutes and practically the whole house smelt wonderful.

And not only that - well, come on - it is Valentine's Day...a lovely smelling, slow burning candle is sure to "set that mood" a little isn't it...

Next up within my little bundle of goodies I found this cute, colourful, heart decorated notebook...

Pretty and useful - what's not to like?

I do love a good bit of stationary you see.

In fact, scrap all those flowers and chocolates (I'm on a diet anyway!) this is something I'd openly welcome as a pressie.

Stationary (it has to be pretty stationary though) is the way to this girl's heart...
(did I hear somebody say "Geek"...?)

....unless I'm getting things that make my house look pretty, then it's these that are obviously claiming my heart...

Which is exactly what this pastel yellow storage tin did.

It fits in perfectly with the theme of my kitchen and can be used for storing a whole host of things.

And present it to me filled with yummy chocolates then I'm even happier.
(hmmm...did I say I was on a diet...)

Anyway, I really love my Valentine's Amara Package and if it can manage to make a Valentine's Scrooge like me feel a little more  like I should be celebrating the day then it's got to be good, right...

No matter how you celebrate (or don't) - Happy Valentine's Day all

* items sent for review purposes. All words, opinions & images 100% my own

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