Thursday 21 July 2016

Bouncing action at Gravity - Xscape, Castleford

As much as I love those days spent doing absolutely nothing, relaxing in the comfort of my own home (and trust me I really do love them) there's nothing better than getting out and about, having some fabulously fun time with the family.

And this weekend we were very kindly invited along to Xscape in Castleford for a little bit of Gravity fun...

We've actually been to Gravity once before - my son was invited to a party there last year and he's been nattering to go back ever since.

And this weekend it was our time - yep, I did say "our time" - even I was going to give it a go.

Yes, me.

The person who managed to avoid a full terms worth of trampolining when I was in high school (many moons ago now) by dodging my place in the queue every week and making excuse after excuse because, well, I was a little bit scared.

But not anymore - I was raring to go.

So raring to go in fact that we arrived a little earlier than needed but still, we headed straight over to the check in desk to book in and collect our snazzy socks...

I have to add that the whole booking before you arrive concept is brilliant, not only for obvious safety reasons so there aren't too many people on the trampolines at the same time but also - there were no huge queues to stand about in - amazing.

Next it was safety video time...

...a rather funny safety video actually which showed the seriousness of silly actions but in a way which would engage the children, helping to keep the "do not's" prominent in their minds.

Now with us having Willow, myself and the Hubby switched between child-watching and bouncing - and obviously I went second (he's such a big kid!) but it gave me the perfect chance to have a really good nose around...

The whole place was clean, well-maintained with a really feel-good, fun atmosphere about it.

The music was loud, the lights were flashing and you couldn't help but feel all excited the second you walked through the doors.

And then my attention was directed towards the members of staff who were stood on the edge on the trampolines, available to jump on at any second - brilliant from a safety perspective.

It was very clear to see that they all loved their jobs are were having an absolute ball.

They were really entertaining the kiddies, dancing along to the fab music and helping everyone when it was needed - if you can picture a slightly watered down version of a children's holiday rep then you've got these guys in one.

I wouldn't mind a job at Gravity myself - it looked way too much fun to be classed as work.

~ And fun it was ~

All three boys bounced their way around the course numerous times, climbing up walls and flipping themselves everywhere - they did come back to see me though - shattered, sweaty and in need of drinks...

Then it was my turn and do you know what, it really was so much fun - but really blooming tiring - not that the kids minded though, they didn't want to leave at all.

Oh, and I did take a slight tentative glance in the direction of the foam pit (the manned at all time foam pit I must add) but there's no way I was following all of those daredevil children by diving in - I'll simply take their beaming faces as proof of it's greatness.

But then, before too long, our time was up and so after a quick drink refuel in the cafe it was time to head home.

Happy, shattered and in need of a rest after such a fun-packed afternoon.

Everything was amazing but if I did have to find fault with anything at Gravity, the only thing I could possibly raise is that there was no lift access - and the cafe is situated up a flight of stairs - which I'm sure people must have struggled with in the past.

I however didn't find it an issue at all - I was able to leave my pram downstairs and use a highchair in the cafe itself so it didn't affect us.

However the ever helpful staff obviously spotted my potential pram vs steps issue as soon as I walked in because they couldn't do enough to try to help us...

~ I was offered help carrying the pram up the stairs

~ I was asked if I needed any drinks bringing downstairs for me

~ I was asked if I needed any water bringing down to warm Willow's bottle

They were just brilliant.

And something else brilliant that I spotted as we were about to leave - there is even a "keep the smaller children out of harms way" area too...

Perfect for Willow when she's a little older.

We can't wait for visit number three

* day provided free of charge - all words, thoughts & pictures 100% my own

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