Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Roxy Lanes Catering for those Roxy Juniors

There's nothing better these days than having a fab, fun-packed day out with the family.

However I must admit, venturing into the centre of Leeds wouldn't usually be my first choice of location when picking child-friendly venues.

I mean yes for myself of course, with all of those amazing shops, but not when considering what the children would enjoy.

But then I was invited along to Roxy Lanes and my perspective changed a little bit - they were having a fun-filled afternoon dedicated solely to our smaller humans - the Roxy Juniors - #RoxyJrs

I've been to Roxy Lanes before and was actually lucky enough to pop along to their fab opening evening way back in early 2014 with a brilliant group of blogging ladies...and a fair few tasty cocktails were sampled I must admit...but this event, well this was oh so different to that visit.

And I really enjoyed myself.

The fact that there is a place so easily accessible which caters for those boozy nights out with friends equally as well as it does the chilled, family days out is fantastic.

And so was our afternoon...


Being a typically British day in July the weather was dreary and wet which meant us dashing from the car to Roxy Lanes slightly earlier than planned in an attempt to avoid the downpour.

Our apologies were shushed away, unneeded though and the lovely, very friendly, welcoming Roxy ladies immediately plied us with much needed coffee and juice whilst we picked a seat and settled ourselves in.
(I need to add that there is a very useful lift too - a god send when taking the teeny babies out)

Before too long all of the families had arrived and we were teamed up and booked into our bowling lanes.

As much as I like the game I've never really been all that great at bowling but still, I was all giddy and excited because, lets be honest, you can never fail to have a laugh at a bowling alley.

Anyway, we unfortunately didn't come first despite my nephew and the Hubby getting a few strikes each, but never mind eh, it's the taking part that counts after all...

...or at least that's what I tell the kiddies anyway - I really wanted to win - and so I did the only thing I could do, I turned to the table packed with scrummy food to console myself and oooh how nice it was.
(and yes, I know - my health kick - but I really couldn't help myself...)

Pizza, onion rings, dough balls - the food was yum and was all taken from the kiddies menu that is on offer...

Real yummy stuff, so yummy in fact that the lot - and I do mean every single last bite right down to the smallest slither of pepperoni - was totally demolished. 

I was unfortunately near the back of the queue so there was no chance of me snapping a quick picture of it all so you will just have to trust me - the food was nice.

So with full tummies, a colouring competition was won, a kiddies Beer Pong game (with sweets not alcoholic beverages of course!) commenced and party bags for the kiddies were given out.

Everyone had such a brilliant day - I love seeing the children with smiles on their faces having a ball...

And the staff at Roxy Lanes were amazing too - they were so patient (even with ping pong balls sailing past their heads) and on a real level with the children which helped make the day such a success.

Not only did the children feel looked after but it also really helped us adults too...we had a few sneaky opportunities to catch a five minute breather every now and again.

~ Priceless ~

I can certainly see us booking another session in at Roxy Lanes very soon...they even do kiddies parties...or so my son informed me with a little glint in his eye...

It would seem then that Roxy Lanes really does have it all - there's that party/drinking scene, the yummy food scene, and then the brilliant, fun, keep-the-children-happy scene too.

A total winner of a venue in my book

* fab afternoon of fun all free of charge to experience the way of the #RoxyJrs - opinions & pics all my own

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