Friday, 27 January 2017

Fitness Friday - A Quick Update

Well - what a difference a week makes eh.

This time last week, I'll admit it, I was feeling a little deflated and whilst I wasn't quite on the brink of giving up I had certainly had "what's the point" thoughts running through my head.

It's so disheartening when you try and don't get the results you want.

However this week couldn't be more different - the main positive has been that at weigh in yesterday - and despite not managing to fit in a single SP (low carb) day - I still lost a fabulous 3 1/2lb which I'm over the moon with.

And it means that I'm now at my lowest weight since having Willow - there's still a way to go though until I hit my pre-pregnancy weight target but this loss has really given me a boost to stick to plan - I even made yesterday my first SP day of the week and today will be my second.

Oh, and my weigh lady told me that she could tell I would have a good loss the second I took my coat off in class - even if she was just being nice, to think others can see a difference is a real motivator to keep going too.

I've sat and planned a few Slimming World meals we can all eat as a family and despite our oven packing in mid-tea-cook yesterday (*doom*) the slow cooker is on as I type with a yummy Keema curry simmering away nicely inside.

(Thank goodness for that slow cooker!)

Exercise wise, well I've managed to get to Spinning a few times this week and despite still doing the whole glancing-around-the-room-praying-my-snail-pace-legs look-even-half-as-fast-as-everyone-else I'm really pushing myself much more than before.

And half of that I'm putting down to still having this Fitbit on my arm...yes, yes, much to the Hubby's annoyance I've still managed to keep a hold of it...I love it.

I think because I have it on, without really realising, I've found that I'm trying to beat my daily step count all of the time - it is only set at 8,000 steps right now but I'm actively pushing, trying to beat it.

Which is obviously a good thing.

I'm also loving being able to see how I can get myself into the "fat burn" zone - I never realised just how long the body burns fat for after a stint of exercise - I was back at home, sat with a cuppa last Saturday and my heart rate was still up there in that zone, getting rid of the fat.

It's fabulous.

One thing I have noticed though is that my old, trusty gym trainers just aren't supporting my feet like they used to...well they are about three years old now but I don't want sore feet and legs to put me off going to the gym before I've even started really.

Luckily for me then, those amazing New Balance people sent this little set my way...

But more on all of that loveliness next week

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