Thursday, 16 March 2017

Enjoying Date Night, With Thanks To tastecard

A "date night"...

Now, what's one of those again?

I've mentioned before just how difficult myself and the Hubby find making the time to spend any "us" time together these days - having two kiddies, a fourteen year relationship and all the roles and responsibilities that come along with that means, that for a long time now actually, any urgency to keep up with things such as date nights has been allowed to slowly drift away.

But, after spending a few hours recently laughing and reminiscing over our "dates of years gone by" we've decided that we need to get out of Mum and Dad Mode every now and again and we really do need to go and let our hair down a little bit.

Willow's now seventeen months old (I know, I know - where does the time go?!) and I think (I think...maybe...perhaps...) that I'm just about ready to be parted from her for a night and I may (well, I think I may...) let her sleep out sometime soon...

It's going to be hard (for me) but I know that I really do need to start re-finding myself a little bit.


I've said it.

Yes, we really do need to book a night off and go out for an evening, just to be Simone and Carl for a little while...

~ there's going to be a little bit of alcohol...which should be interesting to say the least considering that I haven't had a drink in, oooh, about two and a half years now...

~ there's going to be a bit of dancing...I mean come on, lets face it, all it's going to take is one sip of a G&T and I'll be taking centre stage, busting out the moves, thinking I'm a long lost member of Diversity...

~ and there simply has to be food because what date night (or any night in fact) is complete without tucking into an amazing meal?

~ Delicious ~

I can just picture it now...

Beautiful food, lovely venue, and me, fully able to enjoy my food - whilst it is still hot - without having to wrestle flying peas from the inside of my drink and without having to make those "come on eat your food" spoon-is-now-an-aeroplane type noises.

It is going to be bliss.

By the way, if you haven't already guessed, food is one of my most favourite things ever.

And food that tastes amazing is even better.

However when this amazingly tasting food arrives and I then find it is only a fraction of the cost it should have been, well, nothing gets better than that.

Luckily for us, this is all now a reality as I very recently acquired my very own tastecard - a card I can now use to enjoy 2-4-1 meals and 50% bill discounts at a whole host of fabulous foodie places.

Zizzi's, Prezzo, Hotel Chocolat, even Domino's - no place is left overlooked.

Me time, food and a bargain to boot?

This date night lark just sounds better and better

* tastecard & goodies sent to enjoy free of charge. Words, thoughts & images 100% my own

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