Monday, 13 March 2017

My Perfect Mother's Day Breakfast

My weekends are always pritty much the same - crammed with rugby games, chores, family visits, oh, and more rugby.

A couple of weeks ago though, those two boys of mine stepped up their rugbying game a little bit more than normal (if that's even possible) and off they went, for a full two-days-one-night trip away alongside a coach full of "Lads and Dads", meaning it was just myself and the little lady at home.

And what did we do?

Well our routine was pritty much the same as any day really - be it a weekday, a weekend, a holiday or not - nothing has too much scope for difference when there are small, routine-loving kiddies about - especially when it comes to the mornings...oooh those mornings are always so, so early.

But I'm used to it now and an everyday 5.30 am wake-up call is very much the norm for me, but I'll admit, sometimes - just sometimes - I will have a little think about how amazing the sheer indulgence of a longer lie-in would be.

~ Bliss ~

Which automatically makes me think of that ultimate one day of the year when it is almost the law that Mums have a little bit of R&R time - Mother's Day of course.

There can be no more of a perfect time to be playing the "I deserve some pampering" card in my opinion.

And what does every good Mother's Day have to begin with?

Yes you guessed it - a really good breakfast...served in bed if you're very lucky.

Hmmm...relaxing in bed and eating yummy food - it doesn't get much better than that surely.

Blind's Hut set me the challenge of thinking about my ideal Mother's Day breakfast recipe and whilst I don't have "a recipe" as such - no matter the day, I like my breakfast to be fast, unfussy and as Slimming World friendly as possible - something I know my own lovely Mum would appreciate too - and I've certainly found an ideal breakfast that would be perfect for the both of us...

~ Coffee ~

I mean what breakfast is complete without a huge mug full of this amazing stuff right.

~ Fruit with yogurt ~

It's only right to enjoy every meal in courses isn't it?

I think so anyway and for 'starters' I love a little bit of yummy fresh fruit topped off with yogurt.

~ "Fry" Up ~

Now most days I do actually have a version of this at around 10.30 am - it is a perfect fill-me-up brunch (more often than not I'll have it when Willow's napping and the boys are at work and school so I can fully enjoy it in peace - I'm not daft)

It is very Slimming World friendly and is very tasty too - I've also managed to get it down to a one-pan meal - less washing up, and lets face it, you have to be fast if you want to eat a meal hot with a toddler around.

Bacon and "fried" egg on toast with beans and a side of mushrooms.

I usually "fry" the mushrooms in the pan alongside the bacon whilst the toast is popped into the toaster, once these are cooked in goes the egg, giving it a little flip to cook the top - but carefully, we don't want un-runny yolk - then, once that's all ready on the plate, throw some beans into the pan, and job done.

~ Amazing ~

And even better, on Mother's Day (or most weekends actually) the Hubby will make it for me - so no cooking either.

I reckon that after tucking into this lovely lot I'll be very well set for any Mother's Day activities that may be thrown my way.

Do you have an amazing way to start Mother's Day off perfectly?

* a collaborative post - all words, images & thoughts are 100% my own

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