If you caught my slightly "woe is me" post yesterday then it will come as no surprise when I say that in between all of the crazy goings on in my life lately I've done nothing but dream of having a lovely, hot sunny holiday abroad.
The destination could be anywhere really just as long as a few important criteria points are met then I'm more than happy.
Long, lazy, pool days with the sun beating down on me and - well behaved children permitting - a good book in hand sounds simply amazing right now and then when you couple all of this with there being no daily life chores to content with, well that's a recipe for pure bliss right there.
Actually, a lot of my friends and family members seem to be picking out a holiday to Portugal as their destination of choice recently and I have to admit I am swaying a little towards the country myself - I mean the faster a plane can get to it's landing point the better for me, especially with having fidget bum Willow in tow - a two and a half hour flight to Portugal will do me just fine.
But like I said I'm not too bothered where I go really - and do you want to know why?
I'm not bothered because the last time I went away for any length of time was in 2012 - FIVE whole YEARS ago.
How much can happen in five years?
How much stress do people go through in that time?
Five years has seen me have a job promotion, become pregnant, have a baby through major surgery, I've been made redundant and have taken on the Stay at Home Mum role.
Yes, my body is well overdue a little bit of proper sunshine.
Anyway, the last time we went away it was to an all inclusive resort that a very lovely friend of mine recommended - I have this phobia of getting to another country and being forced to stay in a horrible, filthy place with horrible food and mucky beds (too many holiday horror TV shows I think) - and I actually booked the trip whist she was still there, holidaying with her family.
I don't think I could go somewhere without knowing someone who had been there first...but I suppose that's just me looking after my two kids well-being though isn't it...
...actually no that isn't totally true - it is also due to the fact that I hate dirt and filth and sleeping in beds that could ever even potentially be grubby...
* shudders *
But luckily for us when we arrived at the hotel my friend hadn't set us wrong at all, the place was lovely...
~ we had numerous pools to choose from - one of which had slides so a six year old Charlie was beyond happy...
~ we had a beach literally two steps outside of the hotel...
~ we had fun things to do on an evening...
~ we had the sun, unlimited food and drink...
~ and we had the three of us ("four of us" this holiday around)...
(plus a share in Ray Ban it would seem)
~ It was fantastic ~
But it was so, so long ago now and five years really does seem like a long stretch to go without a proper break.
We have to go away soon, which obviously will present a whole new set of worries for me to deal with, focused around flying with a small child in tow - we did take Charlie abroad at eight months old but we went by coach...to Spain...and this is NOT something I will ever be doing again (totally horrendous it was) - but I'll deal with all of that when the time eventually comes.
For now I just want to get something decided on and maybe think about booking it, and so, before I go totally out of my mind searching for holiday location reviews, if anyone has any fab, clean, child-friendly, all-inclusive Portugal based holiday recommendations - or anywhere as long as they are clean, clean, clean - then please let me know in the comments section below.
I really, really, really need all the help I can get with this one
* sponsored post - all words & images are 100% my own
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