Monday, 10 July 2017

Summer & Car Travel

You may have spotted over on my social media channels that last week, myself and the family headed away for an amazingly pretty and peaceful few days holiday in Richmond
(more on all of that amazigness later this week).

I'm loving discovering fabulous little retreats dotted around the UK at the moment - they really do make holidaying with children - one being of the fairly tiny variety - a lot easier; a much safer bet when it comes to appropriate food and water situations and they are a lot more affordable than it would be for the four of us to jet away somewhere hot and sunny.

But something that obviously comes with UK "staycations" and something I'm not all that keen on if I'm honest is the fact that to reach these wonderful locations a whole lot of driving has to be involved.

Don't get me wrong, I find driving OK and rely on being able to do it quite a lot, but motorway driving isn't my favourite thing in the world...yet saying that I have driven to Wales and back on my own so I know I can do it...

...although I much prefer the Hubby to drive as often as possible.

But, whether I'm driver or passenger, something we always make sure we pay a lot of attention to before we leave the house is the state that the car is in - if there is any long distance driving to be done and my children are in the car then I want to know that it is as safe as it can possibly be.

And especially with all of the majorly hot weather we have had lately - hot sun can play havoc with cars so it is even more of a necessity that certain checks are made...

~ Tyres - as the weather hots up tyres can be affected quite a lot - the air pressure within them can increase and this puts a lot more more pressure on the outer rubber, resulting in bulges and punctures being a lot more common.

But how best to combat this?

Well, keep checking tyre pressure regularly to be on top of the problem
(and remember, if you are ever on the lookout for cheap tyres in Stirling, check out Fife Autocentre).

~ Oil levels - in order for a car to work efficiently at any time, oil is a must yet in the heat more oil is often needed to keep the engine running as smoothly as possible and this can be taken care of with regular oil checks and top ups when needed.

~ Water levels - we all know that in situations involving water and heat, evaporation can take place (that's basic Science-y stuff right there) so in a hot car, if water levels aren't checked and topped up regularly then they could drop drastically, seriously affecting the way the car runs.

And whilst I am in no way car knowledgeable I think a little bit of general car maintenance is rather straightforward but is very essential before any long car journey - especially during hot Summer months.

Happy, safe Summer road tripping

* sponsored post - all words, images & thoughts 100% my own

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