Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Peppa Pig's Adventure - A Theatre, A Show And A PRIZE

It's nothing but work central over here at Team Baker right now - I've totally neglected my blog duties due to a mountain of (seemingly never ending!) paperwork and all of this added extra cleaning up I'm doing makes for not a fun blogger at all.

But I suppose it will be very worth it in the end and naturally it all comes hand-in-hand with embarking on a new career path and then deciding to have house walls chopped up, hacked into and then pulled down doesn't it.

But doing it all on top of the normal day-to-day things forever going on, plus having a two year old who now spends hours upon hours at bedtime taking apart our bedroom every night before passing out on a mountain of teddies (don't ever wish for the transition time from cot to toddler bed people - never...) - it's exhausting.

And I need some fun.

~ I want the weekends back where we used to wander aimlessly around the woods...

~ I want the evenings back where slouching on the sofa watching no-thought-needed TV could happen (I really do miss you "Can't Pay, We'll Take It Away" Sob), guilt-free without having to side-eye the stack of files demanding my attention...

~ I want the afternoons back where we would be free to go catch a family show at the theatre...

Free time really is amazing.

Now, when I look back at our pre-Willow days I can see that we really did do a whole lot with Charlie and our free time - there was a different pantomime every year and we have watched so many book-favourite theatre adaptation shows - it was fabulous and, although Willow's inability to sit still for longer than a few minutes does worry me more than slightly, I think I'm ready to delve into that world again.

And, with massive thanks to the very-close-to-my-home (yay!) Victoria Theatre in Halifax we are soon heading off to see....

~ wait for it ~


I mean how brilliant - Peppa Pig has been our go-to TV show since, well, since day one with Willow really and Charlie was a huge fan too back in his tiny-person day, so to say I'm excited about this is a slight understatement.

The show will be fully interactive (pray for me that this keeps my little whirlwind in her seat), full of songs, games and live music which all help to tell the story of the going's on of Peppa as she sets off on a fun camping trip into the woods with her friends...

The show is bookable now and is on on Wednesday 20th June and Thursday 21st June at 10am and 4pm at The Victoria Theatre in Halifax, West Yorkshire.

The show is suitable for kiddies aged 3+ years (I'm scraping half a year off this because I really don't want Willow to miss such an amazing experience) and it looks just fantastic...

...and so much fun.

Tickets are priced at £18.75 for adults and £16.75 for children


There is also a chance to win a family ticket (for four people) to the show right here, right now (well, I'll let it run a little bit first) - just follow the link below...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy entering and I hope you manage to get to the show and enjoy it as much as I know we are going to

* A collaborative post for which a family ticket to the show has been offered to myself - all words are my own, photo credit - Dan TsanTilis & used with permission

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