Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Making Life More Interesting For Our Little Ones

Raising children in this generation can be hard.
Come on - it really isn't easy is it...
In the past, all our parents had to do was provide and ensure we stayed in school but as time goes, however, we realise that parenting goes beyond the provision aspect.
It is vital that parents also ensure the emotional well-being of their children is looked after - and, I for one certainly, know that this isn't easy.
But one of the ways to do this is to introduce fun in the home - a happy home is a safe home for little ones.
Here are some of the things you can do to incorporate that into your family...

Spend time together...
Whenever most parents think of keeping children happy, the first thing they may go to is to think of expensive gadgets and whilst these items might be greatly appreciated, they are not all it takes to keep children happy.

Most of the time, all the child wants is to spend time with you.

Take time out of your busy schedule and spend time with them - they will hold on to these memories long after the toys are broken, and they have new gadgets.
You can take them on a wanderlust adventure to learn and explore as well. It will not only be fun for them since you will also get to unwind while at it.

Play with them...
Another great way to introduce more fun into children's lives is to make time to play with them.
It might be a simple game of catch or a complex one of chess nut all these will be something your children will look forward to.
You can even have a game night and make it competitive while still maintaining the fun.  In playing these games, you also learn what your kids like and how you can help them develop these interests.

Indulge In Their Interests...
If there is one thing you will realise when you have children, they keep changing their interests over time.
No child comes into this world knowing what they want to do or be when they grow up and it is our responsibility to ensure that they figure their way around their interests.

While you do not need to buy them a new musical instrument or pay for additional classes every time their interest is piqued, you can help them entertain these ideas and even choose one that works for them.
Since there are so many things they feel like they can do, it is up to you to guide and help them figure out what they should focus their energy on
As you do this, ensure you are not dismissive of all their dreams, as these will fuel their ambition and attitude in life.

And so...
Raising children can seem like walking around blind.
Many times parents are not sure what they need to do to make their small humans happy, but something I really dream of doing more of is spending time holidaying on a budget - it would really make their day.
The one thing you need to remember with children is that they will appreciate your presence more than the money or gifts you give them so be intentional about that and they really will be happier.

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