Thursday 26 May 2022

Family Mediation - Why and When To Opt For It...

We all have family drama at some time of another don't we, and sometimes, well, sometimes things go a little further than your run of the mill argument.

But there are ways to resolve even these such family disputes and it may be that a sort of family mediation is best as a more peaceful, less stressful way to reach mutually beneficial outcomes.

Plus mediation does have a 93% success rate making it an attractive option for families and couples.

Family mediation is designed to be an appealing alternative to the vigorous nature of court trials.

It does seem like modern marriages would end amicably with this option, and here are some other valid reasons mediation is a good idea...

Absence of a power struggle...

Family mediations allow the parties involved to forget any thought of a power struggle which could make things complicated.

Usually, during a marriage breakdown, the divorce lawyer steering the mediation is able to identify signs of a power struggle due to their experience and can stop it.

Therefore, all sides can communicate their concerns in a relaxed atmosphere without feeling pressured. This strategy enhances the parties’ ability to make informed decisions related to the issue.

For this reason, more people feel comfortable using mediation to resolve and bring finality to pending issues.

Saves money...

Undoubtedly, mediation processes are less expensive and many legal firms charge a fee that covers the entire process with no hidden charges (if you’re using the right establishment).

On the other hand, court trials are costly, longer and involve different fees to be paid to your legal team. There will be the issue of filing fees, etc., which only increases your expenses.

Family mediation is a better option if cost is a major concern for you.

According to legal experts, a litigated divorce is often met with resistance. Subsequently, that delays the entire process and results in expenses that could be avoided in the first place.

Alternatively, a family mediation takes all the stress you may be experiencing into consideration. Shortening the process still produces desired outcomes and prevents you from spending more than you would have.

You get to be in control of timelines...

This has nothing to do with a power struggle. It means that you do not need a judge to determine the timelines of the mediation process.

Moreover, you get to have direct input into how the mediation process is steered. You’re not necessarily speaking through a lawyer as you would have in a court trial. You also get to be heard when you have something to contribute to the mediation proceedings.

This eases tension and allows you to feel in control without overstepping boundaries.

It is tailor-made to suit all parties...

This means the process is fully-customised to meet individual needs.

All parties’ needs and considerations are carefully weighed to ensure it is convenient for the other. There is always a midpoint that ensures that neither party feels overlooked or under-served.

The main objective of the family mediation is to help the concerned parties to arrive at a bespoke agreement. In many instances, this is not achieved in a typical court trial.

This promotes satisfaction and helps to bring the main issue to a close.

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