Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Mini Primark Dash

Having a dash through Primark yesterday I saw so many pretty things that I wanted to buy.

Why is this always the case when either my purse is empty or I am in such a mad crazy rush that I have no real time to stop, browse and spend.


Anyway, I did find time to grab a few things as I whizzed around.

These dresses were a great bargain to begin with at £10 each, and I was contemplating buying them when I first saw them a while ago.  I really like the "leather" detail of the arms and around the neckline.

When I dashed to the till, I found that they had both been reduced down to the beyond reasonable price of £5.

Two-for-one...that will do me nicely.

I know that the weather is changing and it isn't really appropriate to wear dresses like these at the moment - which is no doubt why they were reduced in the first place.  The material of the grey dress is a tad thin in particular (fingers crossed not see-through-thin though...!)

Now that I think about it properly, the more sensible purchase option should have probably consisted of boots, jumpers or thick socks...

But never mind, I didn't have time for "sensible" and at only £10 for two dress - I'm sure I can be forgiven.

My next purchase was this pair of simple plain black pumps.

Now, the reason that I had to buy these will probably just highlight even more why my first two purchases were a tad silly at this time of the year.

My last pair of black work pumps were totally ruined last week in a crazy downpour.
I know I really should have more sensible footwear choice capabilities, but I just don't.
I've been known in the past to turn up all ready for a school trip to go trekking around fields...wearing flip flops!
Crazy I know.

Anyway, I really did need to replace my ruined shoes ASAP, and these ones will go with everything and are quite cute with their little tassel and suede-y fabric - and they were another bargain at just £5.

Hmmm... suede-y fabric pumps... in winter....

In hindsight I think I sense another poor footwear choice by me ...


But never mind - £15 for three things isn't too disastrous.

Let's hope my next shopping trip is a little more sensible and lasts a lot longer.

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