Monday, 11 November 2013

Everything £5? What A Bargain!

I am desperate to go shopping right now for a whole new wardrobe, and it is so frustrating that my funds just will not allow it.

With Christmas a mere few weeks away, there is just no justification for spending vast amounts of cash on myself...

But then I came across the online shop Everything £5.

Surely this can't be right?
 There had to be some sort of catch somewhere?
Surely nothing is that cheap?

I decided to have a little delve into the offerings on the website to see what I could find.

The website itself is really easy to use, and it states in clear writing on the Home Page that the clothes are cheap:

" dresses, cheap shoes, cheap bags and cheap clothes..."

Curious, I decided to have a browse and see if I could find anything I really liked.

I really like slobbing about in jeans and simple tops on a weekend, and I found a few that I liked that could easily be pulled on with a pair of skinny jeans and my Converse for a relaxed Sunday afternoon:

Printed Frills Floral Top

Retro Car Print T-Shirt

Step Hem Drawstring Tunic

 As winter is most definitely knocking on the door right now, the warmer clothing is needing to be brought out, which can work out quite expensive - but not on this site!

My favouite piece of knitwear was:

Dip Stitch Round Neck Knit Pullover

Comfy, practical and casual.

And then I came across the shoes - I mean, what lady doesn't love a good shoe!

I loved these ones:

Large Folded Bow Suedette Shoe

I really liked the fact that they are available in a whole array of colours (red and black; beige; and orange and beige are my favourites!)

And at only £5 a pair, I'm sure it's acceptable to buy a few pairs in different colours....

My next stop was the Jackets and Coats section, but I found this section a little lacking in choice, with no real 'coats' to speak of.

However, I'm sure that if a coat could be made, mass produced and then sold for £5 they would be snapped up off of the shelves in record time anyway.
I think a winter coat for £5 is quite an unrealistic expectation, and I realised this even before I actually looked.

Obviously, with the clothing being so cheap, I think if I were to order anything, I would be inclined, personally, to order a clothes size bigger than my actual size, only because I seem to have a notion that "cheap" will mean "less material".

I could be totally wrong on this point however, and the only way to actually test the sizing, quality and washability of the clothes would be to buy them and give them a whirl.

But at £5 a garment, can you really go too far wrong...?

Have a peek and decide for yourself.

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