Tuesday, 5 November 2013

#MoSistas, Movember & The TSHIRT Store

Wow - is November already five days in?

It's crazy - this year is really flying by.

We've had Easter, Summer (hmmm or did we...??), Halloween and Bonfire Night...there's really only Christmas to come and then that's it - all done for another year.

Or is it...

Another mega popular event my list has failed to mention is that of the month long, charity fundraiser event that is Movember.

I'm sure you are all familiar with the concept of Movember - men fail to shave their upper lip for the whole of November, growing an array of mustache styles, all whilst raising money, and raising awareness of men's health issues, in a bid to help support those with, and help fight against, prostate and testicular cancer.

But what about the ladies?
How do they get a piece of this fundraising action and help support the Movember men - or the "Mo Bros" as they are known?

Well - they become Mo Sistas.

"Mo Sistas" are the women behind the Mo Bros.  They offer support, guidance and encouragement during the thirty days of Movember.

"The driving force behind the event".

And Twitter has spun a new craze supporting these #MoSistas, a craze that is definitely supported by the TSHIRT Store. 

The TSHIRT Store were initially launched in 2006 in Sweden, and have since opened a further 17 stores around the world, from Covent Garden in London, to Shanghai and Stockholm.

The store sells a range of printed t-shirts, which are not only originally creative, but are also fairtrade and organic.
They also stock different accessories, including a range of phone covers, and pride themselves on featuring designs commissioned by various international artists under the label DEDICATED.

And this Twitter craze that has created the hashtag #MoSistas incorporates the idea that ladies too can raise awareness of the health of men.
By getting as creative as possible, using make-up, hair-dye - just about anything imaginable -  ladies are encouraged to create a weird and wonderful 'tach for themselves and then tweet pictures of it - using #MoSistas of course - all in a bid to show support, and raise awareness of the fab charity.

The TSHIRT Store not only support this Mo Sistas hashtag craze, but they have gone one step further.

By recruiting the talents of English artist Austin Pardun and the modelling talents of fashion blogger Lauren Canning (The Style Tag), they have designed a fab Movember t-shirt, named "Whiskers", to help raise money for the charity, as 10% of all sales are being donated to Movember.

"Whiskers" can be found, enjoyed and purchased for £30.00 - with 10% of this being donated to Movember.

For more information:
Contact Lucy Baird - lucy@shackletonpr.co.uk - 0113 887 3295
Contact Nathan Brush - nathan@shackletonpr.co.uk - 0113 887 3293

And don't forget ladies - tweet you're best 'tache piccys to @TSHIRTSTOREUK using #MoSistas and let us help support the mustache growing fella's and raise awareness of Movember.

Happy Mustache 'Growing' Girls! :)


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