That's it - I've decided to bite the bullet and actually do it!
I'm signing up to take part in this years Sport Relief Mile in my local area of Yorkshire.
EEK I know!
But it's something that I have been considering for quite a while now (see here).
I really need to get back into an exercise routine and at the moment, my get up and go has frog marched off to some distant land, and isn't showing any signs of returning in the near future.
I'm blaming the cold weather myself - pulling on the trainers and heading out of the door just seems so much more of a challenge when the weather is anything less than fine, but I really do need to sort myself out and just go for it.
Having a worthy cause like Sport Relief will force me to do this.
I'll feel like I need to push myself to stop myself letting the cause down...and lets be honest - if I'm going to have any chance of actually surviving this challenge, then I'm simply going to have to train for it.
I'll be forced to up, get out and have a go.
Once upon A Time, in the not too distant past I must add, I would have had no problem with this because I was a little bit of a fitness addict, but lately, my fitness regime has just totally flown out of the window.
I've become lazy.
So by committing myself to this, and by making sure I blog once a week about how things are progressing, I'm already forcing myself to get off of the sofa and out of the door.
Nothing like a little bit of pressure as motivation.
Oh, and I've dragged my slightly apprehensive, slightly unwilling friend Nicola along too - wish us luck!
And after watching this really encouraging video from Jessica Ennis-Hill - well - how can you not be convinced to take part.
I've decided to not go totally crazy, but I think if I'm going to do this then I have to push myself out of my comfort zone a little bit, so I'm thinking of the three mile run as the event for me...but I'll decide once the training begins.
But it's as if Keith Lemon knows me and has hand-picked this event as the one for me...well - I am She-Ra after all....
(watch the video and follow the three mile journey I plan to take to understand)
NYE 2013 :) |
There is no turning back now:
~ I've picked an event
~ Found a training buddy
~ Decided how to train
So I'm all set to begin, and step one on the road to becoming fit again is on it's way to being started.
- - Watch This Space - -
There's still 58 days until the challenges begin - why not give it a go yourself and let me know how you are getting on - the more the merrier.
Any training tips and advice will be very gladly received... (please help!!)!
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