Well, that's just another sixty photographs that have landed through my door from those fantastic people at Photobox today.
I am now literally over run by them - but I can't get enough.
Photograph Obsessed
I use Photobox regularly, simply because I have always found them to be fab!
They have free print offers on all of the time, and they deliver so blooming fast, I can't get the photos I already have into the albums before the next ones arrive.
Not that I'm grumbling - you can't really can you, when you're getting good customer service.
All of - well the majority anyway - of the photographs that I order are of my son, and there are reasons for this.
Number One - I'm a very proud Mum who loves her son and wants to see lovely piccys of him all of the time.
Of course - what parent doesn't
Number Two - I am actually putting together a Life Photo-album of my son so that absolutely nothing he has done, places he has visited, or things he has seen will be forgotten as he gets older.
I think memories are really important and a photograph really captures things brilliantly.
I started this album when my son was a teeny-tiny baby, but, with thanks to the development of all things technological it all just came to a grinding standstill.
Rather than have actual, physical photographs of things, I found that for a long time, I just had memory card after memory card filled with all of the amazing milestones and memories we had created as a family.
But we were forgetting everything and the pictures were not being seen by anyone.
There was no way we could sit down to have a lovely browse through old snaps on cold Sunday afternoon and have a good old reminisce - not unless there was a laptop glued to us anyway.
So I decided that this had to change - and change it has.
I now seem to have a photograph for every place we have visited, every first day of a new school year, every sports day and every birthday we've had over the whole of my little super star's life up to now.
I love it.
But actually getting to this point has been a little bit difficult at times.
I've had to trawl through every memory card I have, every mobile phone I've had, every Facebook album that I can find - including all of my family members files - but I have done it.
I've managed to get every photograph into date order AND I've listed each date that every picture was taken AND what the event was!!
In most cases we even have the location that they were taken too.
Slightly obsessive I know, but if a job's worth doing, it may as well be done properly.
And to me, this is certainly a job worth doing.
The next step will be to finish transferring everything into the album...or should that be ALBUMS...which will take a while, but I'm determined.
I can't wait until it's all complete.
I was given the idea that the memory books would be a lovely gift to give to my son on his 18th birthday, but I'm not too sure how a lifetime worth of photographs would go down as a present for an 18 year old boy...
I'm sure by that age he'll much prefer some cash...and maybe some alcohol.
But for me, the extremely proud Mum, these would be the best gifts in the whole entire world.
A Lifetime Of Photographs....Well - They Make The Most Perfect Present Ever
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