Wednesday, 23 April 2014

5.30am Running With Hi-Tec

I seem to be continuously trying to convince myself to get up and get out of the door to go and do some running at the moment.

I cancelled my gym membership so that it would force me to have to go, but it seems that no matter how many good intentions I have, I always find an excuse to put it off:

~ It's raining
~ It's too cold
~ Oh, it's too late now
~ I can't find any trainer socks (!!!)

Silly I know, but trust me, there are so many excuses I've allowed myself to use, it's pritty ridiculous really.

I really needed a kick up the bum, and then the fab people at Hi-Tec sent me some brilliant trainers from their Haraka Range - which I first told you all about here - and I figured that it was now or never.

I had to make sure I put these lovelies to good use.

No more excuses - get up, and get out.

And that's exactly what I've been doing this week - getting out and making the most of the nice weather and the rest of the school holidays.

Looking less than pretty, mid run!
I eased myself into my first run with two miles at a fairly reasonable pace around my local park, and then for the past two mornings - and by morning I really mean morning, as in 5.30am - I've managed three miles each day.

It's been very hard, I won't lie.

It feels like I'm starting my "Get Fit" regime all over again, totally from scratch, almost as though the past few years at the gym never even happened, but on each occasion I've had my new trainers on and I absolutely love them.

They've really helped to make things easier.

They are super comfy and really are as lightweight as advertised.

Usually if I run for any length of time, be that in a gym class, outside on the road or in the gym on a treadmill, at some point I will have to slow down or even stop for a breather because my ankles begin to feel really tight and start to really pull.

Now I'm assuming that these Hi-Tec trainers help to support my feet a whole lot better than my other trainers because I've had no issues at all with my ankles, which has been a very welcome surprise - it's really made such a difference.

Having no pain to worry about has meant that I can train for longer without being forced to stop - it just goes to show that the right footwear and the right support for your feet really does make a huge difference.

The colour is great, the laces fasten - and stay fastened (always a huge bonus!) - and I've even convinced my friend to search out a pair of Hi-Tec's for her next running shoes too.

I just love them.

The Haraka Lightweight Range has styles for both men and women in a whole array of different colours and they cost £34.99.

Happy Running

* Trainers sent for consideration of an honest review

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