Thursday, 24 April 2014

Blue #rainbownailsblog

Awww - look.

Blue is the last colour in the rainbow song.

After this week, Kelly's #rainbownailsblog project is officially over - apart from a few "added extra" weeks that is - and I've loved taking part.

My nails are almost back to a "normal" standard now, how they were before my obsession with acrylic nail wearing took over and totally changed them.

So blue - obviously I had nothing at all even remotely blue in my sparse nail colour collection, but I picked up this Rimmel polish especially - and it is very bright and very blue.

Also after hearing good things about the spotty, speckled polishes from Primark, I hot-footed it there and made a bee-line for their make-up area.

Although this is slightly more lilac in colour than it is blue, I just had to include it, more so because it has it's own little story.

When I went to pick it up, this little box was the last one of it's kind on display...perhaps if I had asked someone they would have brought more out of hiding...but I didn't ask - I wanted this one.

And so it would seem did another lady - well - a young teen to be precise.

I'm not ashamed at all to say that I launched over and snatched this up before her hand could even reach out for it...which earnt me a very large sigh and an extremely filthy look.

But I really had to have would just seem that nail polish rage is a new thing these days.

So as you can see, after all of that effort, I just had to include the polish into this post somewhere.

First - let's look at the rainbow colour - the Rimmel polish "Blue My Mind", which is indeed extremely blue.

The brush looked quite thick and I initially thought I was going to end up with it all over, but surprisingly it applied really nicely and covered the nail really easily.

Two coats gave this very shiny finish - plus it was dry in sixty seconds - what more do you need.

I'm not 100% convinced on the colour though.

Personally it's not my favourite and I don't think I'd pick it for an everyday colour, but for the purposes of #rainbownailsblog, it worked perfectly.

Now back to the Primark Spotty polish which was an absolute bargain at just £1.

The brush was again quite thick, but the polish applied lovely,

One coat gave a very pale colour, but two coats was perfect for me.

The spotty affect is created by different sized glittery pieces that are mixed into the polish.

The teeny glitter bits appeared on the nail with every brush stroke, but the bigger pieces took a little bit of maneuvering with the brush to make sure they were distributed fairly evenly.

The colour is perfect for an everyday look - it would go with any outfit colour or style - and it would have really been fantastic for Easter Day.

It did however take quite a while to dry - especially after a few coats - and I wasn't impressed with the smell of the polish at all either.

Once applied to the nail, the polish had a slight "plastic" smell, which remained even after the polish was fully dry - it wasn't ideal really.
But for only £1 I don't suppose I should grumble.

It certainly wouldn't put me off picking up a few more different colours anyway.

Just hopefully next time, without the danger of having a full on nail polish brawl.

A war over a nail polish?  Whatever next!

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