Sunday, 20 April 2014

Happy Easter

! Happy Easter Everyone !

I hope you all have a very happy, chocolate filled day.

So, what have we been up to this year...

Well, at school, my son has had his first Egg "Egg-shibition", rather than the event held for the previous three years, where we had to make Easter Hats for the school's Easter parade.

Obviously parading around the playground in a hat covered in PVA glue, fluffy chicks and feathers is so not cool for an eight year old boy, so once the kiddies hit Year Three, they move up a level and now the Easter requirement is that they have to decorate hard boiled eggs in a variety of ways ready for an "Egg-shibition" in the school hall.

Now, whilst this is all put on because it is the Easter period, non of the entries were very Easter related at all - there were rugby eggs, One Direction eggs, Minion eggs - a whole array of eggs - however there was certainly a lot of hours put into all of the creations that's for sure.

Now in our house, well, we decided that "Everything is Awesome" and the egg theme chosen was "The Lego Movie".

My son chose this the night before the entries were to be taken into school.

We are so un-organised sometimes.

But off we went - painting the eggs bright yellow - which was a lot harder than anticipated - only then to realise that we had no idea how to make eggs look like Lego characters.

Cue a slight panic, but then my son decided that the only other thing yellow he could think of was:

Yep, The Simpsons.

...minus Maggie because we hadn't anticipated needing five eggs...

They turned out quite good in the end - my son is brilliant at drawing and I couldn't get over how accurate the faces were.

They certainly made me chuckle anyway.

So, what else are we up to this Easter?

Well, a little more Easter related is the Easter Egg Hunt I put on...*ahem*...the Easter Bunny puts on for my son.

I love the fact that he still believes in all of the kiddie imagination stuff, and I want to keep this going as long as possible.

There have been times when fictional characters have been questioned and his rational thinking began to take over, but the worry of "not believing means no presents/eggs/treats" soon switched his thinking back!

At the moment he's happy to still believe, and I'm very happy to allow him to, and help him keep his imagination working.

It makes everything a whole lot more magical and a lot more special.

So on Easter morning, we enjoy running around the house and the garden, in and out of the car and backwards and forwards throughout the different rooms, following the clues set out and collecting all of the chocolate eggs.

My son really looks forward to this and has been know to talk about it from around Boxing Day the year before - so it needs to be good.

And then, the best of all is obviously the stash of egg shaped chocolate to enjoy for breakfast.


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